TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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45 entries this month

15:47 Jan 30 2012
Times Read: 496

Ha, I love my mother. I told her about my nightmare (See entry below) and she said, "So those are the kind of sex dreams you have." lmfao

THAT, is where I get my funny sense of humor. xD




12:11 Jan 30 2012
Times Read: 510

Anyone into graphic nightmares?

I had one about mid evil torture devices. I was in a dungeon but I wasn't really there per say. Just a dream where you viewed everything as if it where a virtual reality.

Darkened cobbled stoned, brown and rusty room with people. Screaming, aching, dying. Not a thing to be done. One wall was lined up with iron maidens. Eyes peering out with a blood puddle on the floor. Chains, attached to those masks designed for people to wear in shame. Completely morbid.

What I viewed the most was something called a Choke pear. It was in a man's mouth for a while. The person twisting it didn't have such a clear face. It was blank. He only did half of the job, let the man stay hurt and finished him off later.

I woke up with a slight pain my my neck. o.O

What the fuck is wrong with me? I have the answer. I have been watching shows like[this] too often. >.o



14:48 Jan 30 2012

That show is funny.

15:44 Jan 30 2012

It is! I hide my face and laugh after every time. lol It just got into my head. o.O


12:33 Jan 29 2012
Times Read: 516

Today feels like the walk around your place without pants sort of day. Yeah, I'm sticking to that story.

Huge shirts come in handy. lol




08:54 Jan 29 2012
Times Read: 526




02:30 Jan 29 2012
Times Read: 532

Heh, I feel even worse. After resting. Woke up covered in sweat and my breath smells. Being honest, I'm nasty right now. xP

Ughh, but of course he made me feel a little better. His sweet comments before in our chat and on my status. Love him for that.




21:43 Jan 28 2012
Times Read: 535

I felt fine this morning. The others have a flu. I thought- oh, I had that last week, I won't be sick at all. Had an annoying head ache. Then I wanted my soda, I didn't feel like water. No! I wasn't allowed because there was hardly any left. They sent someone else out though and we got more. I drank up. Felt better and then it hit me, blah. Poor bathroom. xP (Didn't even make it there at first and had to clean that up but it wasn't much. x.x)

I have the worst luck. :P



02:30 Jan 29 2012



18:26 Jan 27 2012
Times Read: 546

I'm watching the movie Bad Teacher. Lmfao, that is all. It's funny.



13:25 Jul 15 2012

That movie is fucking hilarious. xD


13:14 Jan 26 2012
Times Read: 567

Last night I caught this on TV. Not the movie, the musical, which is something I always wanted to see (I've wanted to see it before the movie even came out, just never saw it on.). I enjoyed that.

One of the best songs in there of course, I wanted to post. ;P

Oddly enough, I ate dinner for breakfast. I think the song made me hungry. :x



13:56 Jan 26 2012

I'd like to see that even though I am not a big theater kinda guy :)

15:16 Jan 26 2012

I still have the VHS tape my mom made of this when HBO played it... Years ago. Wait VHS gave that away :p this musical is the reason I liked the Tim Buron movie, but did not LOVE the movie. The adaptations of the music were good, yet very lacking from this.

00:41 Jan 27 2012

I think it's like how books can be compared to movies. You have the younger generation who grew up on Tim Burton and then the older generation who saw this. (My mother told me she had seen this live with her mother before I was even alive.) Both are good in my book, it's just that the musical has more of a feel to it. Movie was good like you said, but yet.. lacking. I wish I went to see things like this but it doesn't last forever on stage. lol

01:20 Jan 27 2012

♥ I LOVE this show!


04:29 Jan 26 2012
Times Read: 571

Haven't eaten much today. I still have yesterdays dinner for me in the fridge, untouched. I just don't feel like it. I'd rather drown my stress in a puddle of sleep. -Shrugs- Maybe tomorrow I'll want it. There's always tomorrow.



12:52 Jan 26 2012

... If you could SEE me now (why do I want to sing show tunes all of a sudden?) you'd see me tapping my foot and pointing at the fridge saying, "Eat something, or you'll make yourself ill!"


Holy Batman

12:36 Jan 25 2012
Times Read: 578

What a way to wake up. o_O




21:34 Jan 24 2012
Times Read: 602

My mother was like, "I'll pay for that feature where they can hook up the TV to the computer. Then I can see what you do on there."

I said, "Okay, I'll load up the porn."

I don't think she took me seriously though. I can't even take myself seriously. >.> She laughed. T_T



21:55 Jan 24 2012

That only works if she's watching the tv while you're on it though and then she'd have to watch it all the time... Is she insinuating that she'd rather watch you than her regular shows? That's not creepy at all.....

22:00 Jan 24 2012

Nah, she and I were talking about watching movies that way and we joked after. :)

01:06 Jan 25 2012

I wonder if she likes tentacles...

Or "Rose! Hit the RED ball!"

02:20 Jan 25 2012

Hentai it is. Heh.


20:05 Jan 24 2012
Times Read: 603

I'm such a snob some days. Really, I could have all the friends in the world if I wanted. I just hide all too often. >.>

So, I did what I had to do yesterday, today. Payed a bill and got some food. The banana milkshake that I wanted, I couldn't get because the store was closed. D:

As I was walking home some old dude who was trying to sell cell phones in front of a cell phone store said, "Hey, Beavis and Butt Head! I love Beavis and Butt Head." I totally ignored him and walked off. My inside train of thought was, "Bitch, stop looking at my ass." lol ( I had on Beavis and Butt head sleep pants.)

Then when I was a block away from my apt some old lady was passing by with her dog. She said, "Don't be afraid, she doesn't bite. She's a nice dog." I just ignored her like I did with the other guy. I don't want to talk to these creepy strangers. :P In my head I thought, "Put that dog near me and I'mma hiss. o.o"

People always feel the need to talk to me. It's funny. xP



12:15 Jan 25 2012

Ugh I hate that shit! I swear I'm baffled by the people who see me on a train platform with headphones in AND reading and decide "there's someone I should ask if I'm on the correct side of the tracks...". I mean really! It's like having glamor that you can't frackin turn off!

12:38 Jan 25 2012

Exactly. ;D

MUhahaha! It can be cool though. :P


18:12 Jan 23 2012
Times Read: 617

I don't know if I'll be able to go later. I woke up feeling so sick. I mean, I feel a little better but still. I should at least head out to do some errands I guess.

Oddest thing about feeling like this is that feeling good makes me feel awful. o_O Like I want to vomit kind of feeling. Odd huh? Maybe that's just what crushing does to someone. lol I wish I had rotten thoughts so I didn't feel like this, unfortunately last night I was too mushy for my own good. Which made me really happy. :p

Mushy makes me sick, blah. >:(

(It's all his fault, I swear. >.>)

None the less, happy Chinese New year everyone!




20:46 Jan 22 2012
Times Read: 627

Ugh, little brat, I love you though. That's why I deleted your face book.

Why the fuck I saw you added a few of my friends though, I won't understand. You're young and stupid. Wait a while before joining again and I won't mind adding you one day.

Heh, 13 years old. You're old enough to join this place. I hope to hell you don't. :P



00:54 Jan 23 2012

Tell her VR's full of fluffy bunnies.


14:54 Jan 22 2012
Times Read: 631

I wish I could type out what is on my mind but I can't bring myself to.

It interests me at this point that the mind can have so much more power over someone's intentions. The worst part is never saying a word which brings me here. A contradiction.

To secretly have something you don't want to worry about, yet, there it is. Every single time.

What is it that I secretly want in the end? Hmm. That I can't even answer.

I want to express myself thinking it'll stop. Then I remember that it probably is because of stress. Which is something that can't be helped at the moment.

I used to be so strong but maybe that was my downfall.





23:51 Jan 21 2012
Times Read: 636



22:14 Jan 20 2012
Times Read: 649

Change in plans for Monday. xP Guess that's what happens when they cancel out. I'm going to go with my mom and maybe my sister. I don't know. I have to take my mother to the dentist before hand because they need to fix her tooth again. Than it's off to the parade! Yay!




22:14 Jan 20 2012
Times Read: 650

It was Lullaby who mentioned chocolate covered bananas the other day and I decided that I missed those. So, that is what I'll make as soon as someone picks up some bananas from the store.

I haven't had that in years!



23:14 Jan 20 2012

I think I'm one of the few people that doesn't like them, separate, yes, together? Not so much..

13:29 Jul 15 2012

I had chocolate cranberries a while back... eh. Not too great, but not terrible.


20:21 Jan 20 2012
Times Read: 655

Gonna see dragons on Monday! :D

I never really go to these City parades much. Any time I did go to the Chinese New Year one I ended up going late. This time I'm going to make it there early enough and by myself.

The brat will be at school and all that so it's easier if I go alone.

I don't have a camera really so I don't expect to bring back pictures into this. I use my sister's DSi for things but it's not good enough quality for that.

I will enjoy things like roast pork buns, a rice plate, bubble tea (Don't know which flavor yet.), and whatever else I end up getting for everyone who didn't go with me at home. :P



21:52 Jan 20 2012

That sounds like alot of fun!!


09:56 Jan 20 2012
Times Read: 661

This past week I've been getting some really sweet dreams. When I do get sleep that is.

One dream was so realistic that I woke up but not in a bad way. xP Not the usual falling feeling but still a jolt, hard to explain how it didn't feel bad for the first time. o.O




07:32 Jan 19 2012
Times Read: 679

When I joined this place one of the things I wanted to work on was my music taste. Sure, I had a good feeding of classic rock all my life but I wanted to explore more and didn't know where to start.

Of course that doesn't mean I'd just ask anyone for anything. Not everyone has the same taste. Example; I won't listen to country, or ICP crap at all.

What I am glad for is having learned things from covens (Mostly IS) and journals.



08:19 Jan 19 2012

Allow me to blow your mind by introducing you to the glorious world of progressive metal.

Go forth and listen to Opeth, Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree.

... You're welcome.


13:43 Jan 18 2012
Times Read: 685

I love my mom so much.

She used to not like the idea of tattoos and now, she talks about them more than I do.

Makes me want another so bad right now. :P The one I've been wanting. >.> Don't know if I want it this month or the next. I'll see what happens. I've delayed it for months already.



00:13 Jan 19 2012

My poppy was like that, and then when I started getting tattoos, he started researching them, and came to really like them (his previous experience had been with idiots who get things like "Fuck you!" tattooed on their arms and then still expect to find that acceptable and hireable in a corporate environment. Heh.)


05:33 Jan 18 2012
Times Read: 689

Peer pressure.

I don't want to.

I don't know anymore.

Of course I'd love to, I just... Well, you know why. >:( And I told you my last secret.

Took me 2 years to get all that out. Every secret I ever had, you know and I love you for it. You're a good parent. Besides nothing was ever my fault, over time of holding things to myself it becomes a burden, but now, it feels a little lighter.




Don't read too far into it

03:45 Jan 17 2012
Times Read: 701

You're getting quiet on me. Then again, I do the same some days. I don't like it but, I'm also in one of those moods so I guess it makes sense not to over think.

Oh, I shouldn't have put my feelings out like that, you. I was scary even to me. Heh.

And for anyone nosy. It's about me being clingy. lol



10:53 Jan 17 2012

It's okay.

I miss you too.


04:05 Jan 11 2012
Times Read: 720

Mmm, mmm, mmm, it's good to be lazy some days. Time spent mostly on sleep and having yummy dreams about sleeping and cuddling and for some reason cursing too. o.O I know, boring of me, haha.




03:08 Jan 11 2012
Times Read: 723

"You know who he reminds me of? That guy in the show, American Dad. Jeff, that's it, and that would make you Hayley, you whore!"

Lmfao, the images, IMAGES! xD




02:13 Jan 10 2012
Times Read: 734

The doctor repulsed and offended me. I will never, ever go back there again. I can't even finish this entry, let's just say that if I want to get taken care of then I'd rather go to the ER. Or I should switch soon.

I can't even vent to this. She asked questions that weren't medical at all and it got me angry. Being the person that I am; I just sat there and took it. I've known that doctor for years and now she wanted to be mean? Geez... What a shitty day.

I managed to apply to another job though. That was a piece of hope.




15:18 Jan 09 2012
Times Read: 742

So, the case is closing soon. Once again. I just really hope to god that it stays that way and doesn't get re-opened again.

Before they closed it they had to talk to the super and co. Of course he went and spread a bunch of lies. -Shrugs-

One day, I'll be able to rest knowing he won't try to ruin us, until then, I'm not leaving without a fight. Cheers, to family!




13:16 Jan 09 2012
Times Read: 745

I feel like I was beaten with a bag of bricks. My body is covered in aches and pains. I have the chills, just shivering while I have a fever. On top of that, a head ache. I don't enjoy this feeling.

I'm thinking I've had this for a few days since when I was last outside. Usually, I'm super strong, but when I was helping my mother with her chair I couldn't take the normal stuff.

I hate that. Not being so awesome. Like when we ended up having to take a few flights of stairs in the subway and she asked someone else for help. One man did and then the next guy was shit. He just went down without it and I was thinking, "Fuck it, can't get a guy to do my damn job." Heh, my ego is too stubborn because even though I did it in a snap it wasn't so good on me.

I'm going to the doctor's today, yes, but I have to bring my mother to the dentist in the afternoon first. At least it's not stairs that I'll be worried about. The bus isn't so bad unless I can't find a seat. I feel like I'll just pass out there and she can wake me up when we have to get off.

If anyone asks for my seat though, I'm not giving it up. If I even get a seat.

They have to take my blood and maybe give me shots. Ooo, needles make me giggle. Hell, everything makes me laugh. :x Funny Mr.Cuteness made a blood joke but he'd kill me if he knew I called him that. >.>

Hopefully I can try to get my hip checked out as well. Don't know how that'll happen. Might end up doing that another day for another appointment somewhere else.

I haven't slept well and I'd die for a massage. I'd freaking love one right now.

Anyway, on and on I had a fun time going over to a new coven with a small level account of mine. :) That was the highlight of my night.



17:01 Jan 09 2012

Hope you get feeling better soon dear *hugs* Glad you like it in CCD :)


02:09 Jan 09 2012
Times Read: 762

I went to pet one of my cats while he was sleeping. He was still sleeping and then jolted and we both scared each other. By the way, I totally scream like a girl. XD



02:19 Jan 09 2012

I hate the surprised fear girly yip I make. I completely sound like some teenage girly girl when I make that sound. I have yet to be able to school myself from making it. Heh.

04:19 Jan 09 2012

Aren't they funny?

05:10 Jan 09 2012

Yes, I love them. :P

I don't know which one of the boys is my favorite though. Were Wolfy has such a cool looking coat of fur and his black brother, Panther, I'd love to take outside one day in a blanket and go around saying I had a son. For the lols. xD I swear his fur looks like my hair. :P


01:06 Jan 09 2012
Times Read: 764

Something that's been on my mind; are all good artists crazy? Or is it just a saying?

Why was it on my mind? Don't ask. lol




13:59 Jan 07 2012
Times Read: 782

I will never eat peanut butter and jelly again when I know there are better things out there. :P

I need to go back there and get the different butters one day.



14:41 Jan 07 2012

My cranberry jelly is delicious.

14:49 Jan 07 2012

I don't eat cranberry often because it's supposed to make people pee. lol I end up having that if I'm making turkey or something.

15:26 Jan 07 2012

It is supposed to promote urinary tract health yes.

I think it is also an antioxidant and has some vitamin supplement value.

eh, You didn't want to know all that. LOL

I like a cranberry and turkey sandwich anytime of the year.

23:54 Jan 07 2012

The thing about me is that I know about health, I just pick junk over it. >.>


04:56 Jan 07 2012
Times Read: 801

Oh, fuck-it-all. I spent time rating crap, then just a few minutes on here and I re-log in for tonight and I hit great sire. Damn it. >.>

I am thankful for having made this mark, yet a 3rd time? I lost count.



04:57 Jan 07 2012


04:59 Jan 07 2012

Congrats is when I hit 120. Lol.

05:17 Jan 07 2012



(Grapes your Journal)


08:22 Jan 07 2012

Congrats :)


02:32 Jan 07 2012
Times Read: 806

We went to get a referral for the sibling in order for her to get approved for braces. All the way in another borough.

Heh, it wasn't all that annoying. We ate at a nice curry place and then went shopping for food at Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's has some interesting food. I wanted to taste Almond butter. It's like a Peanut butter, but different. I wanted Cashew Butter but they didn't have it. D: I haven't tasted it yet but I love being different when it comes to a "PB&J" sandwich.

The store line was so huge it went from one end of the place to the other. Times two. Since there were two lines. It was full of yuppies. I'm guessing that yuppies can be compared to what you kids say are hipsters? I don't know. I'm not used to all the new terms people come out with. :P

Some of the yuppies got pushy and bumped into my mother. Then they had the nerve to argue so, I started on about how people bumping into others were retards because I could do much more damage. :) Then a lady got nervous and slightly nicked my cart while passing by but had over heard me. She was like, "Sorry, sorry!". Lmfao! I love scaring people. xD



03:06 Jan 07 2012

I LOVE almond and cashew butter. Cashew butter is sweeter than peanut. they are ALL good, and do reflect the taste of the natural nuts well. :)


02:32 Jan 07 2012
Times Read: 807

This was a morbid funny.

"I'll drink the cleaning oil!"

"No, no, you're supposed to go for the bleach! Kids these days. While you're at it, pick me up a Milo. "

Heh, the conversation ended that way. I know it's not something to laugh at but I did.




06:28 Jan 05 2012
Times Read: 816

Am I too old for an imaginary friend? -Snickers-

Just wondering if I could have a little space from lies. It's not good to lie, but hell, I've done it just to get out on dates, so why not anything by myself?




05:44 Jan 05 2012
Times Read: 818

I don't feel like a woman of her word anymore. I feel like I've failed him. I have to stop looking on the wrong side of things but I can't help it. I'm stuck, as always, in my plans. To think all I needed were a few damned special pens.

Friday is when the case will stop. So, there's that.

Rest did me well. I have the feeling that I'll have errands to run. I haven't even spent time with the friend I wanted to see. Thanks a bunch for not understanding. Mood killer to be alone some days... You must have had so much fun at my age. I don't even want to get out at times. Simply because I wouldn't have the keys to get back in. It's cold out and I like living here, in warmness. Heh.




18:04 Jan 04 2012
Times Read: 822

I don't know how I managed to pull it off but my hip hurts again. I took a nap today and all I could dream about was that hurting. >.o

Gah, I have to go to the dentist today and I have to bring someone else to another appointment. D: I really wish I could cancel out. It's not like they're being nice too. :/ Fuck it all. I think I was even a bit jealous with my last entry. What's one day of being a brat so I can rest up anyway? :p

It's so cold now too. I just want to snuggle up under the covers.

Lastly, I think I should get used to making more entries private. Just as a side note for myself. I hate my wording.




19:19 Jan 03 2012
Times Read: 830

I'm going to protest you somehow. How is it that friends are always more important that me? You rush so fast to give them a metro and I'm never allowed to waste your money. Heh. You'll have to drag me out of my bed. I do enough around here. I don't even care that I'm jobless, you make that worse, you, can gtfo. :)




14:03 Jan 03 2012
Times Read: 834

If I give up then why do I still feel bad?

Oh, and I do mean that I give up. I don't see a point in trying because it's a waste of time, anger, and heart ache.




04:02 Jan 02 2012
Times Read: 844

I went to put on my head phones just now and ended up with a ear full of safety pins. o_O Somehow one head phone became magnetized to the junk I had laying around my computer. o.O Why do I have safety pins here? Well, I don't know, just look at my mark. :P I love safety pins. :s




22:32 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 849

It's been good talking to a friend I knew since I was in middle school. Am I ready to hang out and enjoy myself again? I dunno. :P I like this year already. I'mma fucking rule this year, bitches! Rawr! It's nice and warm out too. Fuck yeah.





16:24 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 855



15:40 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 858

Meh, I don't think it really has an effect on me. And to think I stayed away from the keyboard for about an hour. Heh. Not worth it. Doesn't mean I'll not do anything later on. Just means I think it's pretty lame.




I did say bad, lol wut? :x

01:41 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 610




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