Sinistra's Journal

Sinistra's Journal


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07:55 Jun 02 2011
Times Read: 614

Am I a skeptic? I most assuredly am. Everyone is, it just depends on the topic. Here we have undercurrents of the occult. It is the Dark Network, but there are many skeptics here. I am not quite sure why really. Maybe it is for the challenge of the debate. Healthy debate is fun I think. It is when some take it too personally beyond this is my viewpoint and this is yours...fine. Especially when it deals with vampirism and a real vampire at least in the modern concept comes up against someone who doesn't really have a clue or the role players or maybe they are the delusional ones. Even the community is not too nice about those saying they were turned or they are someone hundreds of years old etc etc. You know the type.

So I get curious about a lot of things in the Skeptics dictionary...Oh, was that the wrong place for me to read. I am afraid I would deck this guy if I could, lol. I am too lady like really for something like that and I don't generally use profanity. When I do on occasion my kids are scandalized...seriously, because I rarely speak that way. My Father was in the Navy for twenty years and picked up a lot of words, but never said the C or F word. Not ever and it wasn't allowed in their house by anyone, not that a child would say that in their home. My Mom picked up things from him so I was embarrassed by it and rejected it altogether.

I really don't like the casualness people have with profanity now. It is not that I am old fashioned or don't know the words, I think it desensitizes society to manners and it's true. You can see it here on VR by reading some of the profiles. The things some under 18 write to those older here without stepping back and approaching it with good manners they go off and don't care who the person is. I had that happen once with an under ager and I hadn't done anything. It was just a misunderstanding but they didn't take the time to find out. Assumptions are not a good thing.

I understand that people have problems. I have them as well. I don't think it is whinning to talk about them in their journals. I don't think these journals have to be entertaining nor do I think people should be put down for being depressed, etc. Do we have no empathy anymore as human beings?

I have heard people say to others, not necessarily here but things like I am not interested in this or that subject so I don't want to hear it and things like that. It is so ill mannered. I would never say that or you told me that before in that way. Maybe yes I remember, you told me about that. I will not cut off people repeating themselves because sometimes a person is so involved in life they don't remember they have told you things. All of this I find shallow so I don't associate normally with people like that.

One of my kids is like that but doesn't see it. She gets into fights with people all the time. Nothing I can do. I am classified in the stage of Moms are antiquated and annoying. She even got suspended from college for a semester because her teacher called her a racist and it made her mad. She isn't at all. It had to do with why she was taking a language. She didn't say anything racist. It was the teacher who was out of line and extrapolated on what she said, but what my daughter did in response was off the wall. She wrote an email that said something like, well if I am a racist then maybe I should burn a cross on your lawn. Teacher called the police. She didn't get arrested but was suspended and the teacher lied about her involvement and got students to back her up. That is one thing my daughter doesn't do is lie but she will get mad and sometimes go overboard in her responses, lol. She is older than normal college age as well, nothing has changed.

Anyway, I am reading all these topics and thinking how can one man have so many biases. Why doesn't he just say I don't believe in the paranormal or natural types of medicine/therapies. He went out of his way to write on all of these things and gather tons of information, lol. He was driven. I really hate the words "New Age" because it is a journalistic invention. I don't like it and it is used to discredit people. It is not a positive identification and should be rejected and not used. Times change and people have different ideas about things. It is just that some don't look at the origins of ideas and practices they are espousing and if there is even a modicum of validity if it is a popular idea or practice.

I'm going to put some things in special interest he has written just for fyi and some I will say something about because it relates to me and others are just for reading or I will leave a URL if you are interested.



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