Well today was my first day at work... Let me tell you the events that transpired BEFORE I got to work....
My alarm was set for 8:45 cause my bus arrived at my place at 9:30. My alarm never went off, I woke up at 10:38 and tried to catch the 11 am bus, well the 11 am bus was running late (I called the bus service line to find this out at 11 am) and decided to walk since it was only 30 minutes away. Well I walk in the wrong direction, TWICE, and have a fit on the sidewalk because it was my first day at work and I was going to be late. A Police Officer stopped and asked what was wrong and when I told him that I had just moved here and I was going to be late for work he gave me a ride (in the back of his cop car, first time I'd ever been in one) and got me to work ON TIME!
So I get to work... No one is down there to check me in, I havn't gotten my security badge yet so I have to be escorted. I talk to security and they called my hiring manager who escorted me back to her office. She tells me that I was the ONLY person to sign up for the 12 pm to 9 pm training class and that it was CANCELED. So she says she's going to give me a ride home after I get my security badge and that I need to come BACK to work at 3 AM IN THE MORNING....
Now I'm at home, typing this journal entry and loving my job so far at *bleeeeeeeeeeeep* and I can't WAIT to go back there at 3 am in the morning... *sarcasm*
06:29 Jan 17 2012
...Damn. Still working there?
06:36 Jan 17 2012