I... don't know where I'm going with this. It needs to be said, though. I'm... kind of not in the best headspace right now though. Enjoy. Or don't. Your choice, really. If anyone actually reads these things, I'd appreciate a comment, feedback is always appreciated. Even if you don't like it, please tell me why? Thanks.
Scattering of the ashes (the soul lives on)
A pinch of ash,
An arm outstretched,
Here lies the flesh,
The soul lives on.
Twist of fingers,
Cloud of black,
Powdered body,
The soul lives on.
Never dead,
The soul lives on.
Flesh to ash,
Bones to ash,
All is ash,
The soul lives on.
Forge a soul,
In Fire,
In Water,
And in blood.
I am the thrice-damned Angel,
Thrice batpised.
Born, and reborn,
For Her glory.
Child of the Goddess,
At Her right hand,
Murdered again,
The soul lives on.
Countless battles,
In an endless war,
Countless deaths,
The soul lives on.