I didn't get any sleep last night, feel like shit. Today is the day I get my results back on the lump in my neck. It's been 3 weeks since the ultrasound and when I called to check on my status they didn't even have a record of ordering one for me or the results in. Not feeling real confident with these guys. Ack.
So apparently last night was "let's wait till Jadee is asleep and torture her" night. I had been sleeping hard, you know, the kind of sleep when you catch yourself drooling? Typically, spiders don't bother me, until they start to crawl on me that is....the first one was a daddy long leg, no biggie, I grabbed him and tossed him outside. The second one that tried cuddling with me was a huge scary black spider with stripes on his back, I squashed the fuck out of that bad boy!
Yuck, the only spider that creeps me out so far are daddy long legs. >.o
Their mouths are too small to bite you, plus they eat other spiders :)
Awwww, baby, I'm sorry. I can't help but giggle a little when you tell them this though.
I wonder if the active night life has anything to do with the fires!!
Cuddling with you is one thing, snuggling up to the nooks and cranies is something else :-p
I would have jumped up screaming like a lil' bitch...I really hate spiders...arachnophobia, here I come!
My allergies are going bezerk, the valley is holding in all the smoke from the forest fires surrounding the area. One local firefighter has already lost her life, she was only 20 :(
Yesterday I went to lunch with my friend Helen and dinner with my friend Cathy, in the process I gained 3 pounds!
Must........Stay.........home.........to eat.
Hate getting old. Damn metabolism....guess if I want to keep eating out I will have to work it off. I wish there was an easier way out . CURSES!
Walk inbetween meals ...it works :)
If it wasn't in the 100's every day here I would :)
Doubting everything I ever believed in.
That's a good thing thou, right?!!!
Have no fear. Have no doubt. You are a wonderful person! :D
Okay so I'm sorry Santa isn't real but don't tell kids that. :x
I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Wait... scratch everything Whitney Houston ever said. She was after all, honestly -not- doing drugs O.o
Dont ever let go of your dreams if you really really want them to come true x
That's the last time I listen to you folks :P
And...I did indeed paid my own way, it didn't feel right them paying for me. Justin had fun. I guess that is all that matters. I.......well I felt like I was in the pit of hell. So not doing that again.
I'm sorry you didn't have fun. :( Maybe try and do something fun with just your son this weekend to sweep out the awkward memory.
Wow you went? Lol...poor you!
It was always gonna be awkward, that's why is was for you to excel above it all and have fun. As for paying your way, admirable.
Uggh. So last night my ex-husbands wife calls me and tells me how they (her, my ex, my son, her daughter and their nanny) are taking the luxury bus they have and going up to Silverwood theme park on Thursday and want me to go with them. All expenses paid.
Now is it just me or wouldn't that be a bit awkward? The last thing I want to do is hang out with my ex and his family for 18 hours straight. I mean, we obviously get along just fine and my son is ecstatic over the whole idea but really?
According to Katy (the new Mrs.) her and I could hang out at the "beach" most of the time. Well, I'm the adventurous sort and love roller coasters and rides but no one else in the group can handle them. And how weird would it be to be on a ride with just me, Justin and his dad?
I don't want to disappoint my son or seem ungrateful but damn......what to do?
Go for it. You get quality time with your son and it's paid for, that alone makes it worth while.
Enjoy it , it's free.
Why complain. It's for free and because you deserve having a day full of fun. And you get to spend time with your son... for free......... Remember what you said, "All expenses paid."
I see your point. Can't be that bad if your son is there to enjoy it with you. :P Have a screaming good time!
Now this is a new one even for a mother of five lol. I spent the day at my sons house babysitting my grandsons of which are 21mths and 4yrs when I notice that the youngest Blake is nowhere in eyesight any longer and quiet so I go on the hunt. Now the oldest, Brandon Jr. says to me that he went outside and I'm thinking no way, he can't reach the handle and it's only been like 30 seconds.
After a frantic search it turns out he was right! That little stinker had crawled through the cat door!! Holy hell. Thank Gods the yard is fenced and locked. But I'm not sure my heart will ever be the same *sighs*. His mom just laughed when I told her and apologized for forgetting to tell me that he will do that.
I'm too old for this.
Trust me ...all u have to do is turn ur back and poof...they get into sumthn LOL...oh the good ole days...thank goodness mine are older now...but now I get the why can't I do it? Or how come dad let's me? LOL...gotta love that to add to all the other things*rolls eyes*
Mine are mostly all grown too, these are Grandchildren ugggh....they exhaust me.
It's one of those tales you get to giggle about now but the worry it puts you through at the time..... when seconds seem like hours!
Apparently it's just not cool and rather embarrassing if your friend see's your mother in her Dr. Seuss jammies. ROFL! Seeing the expression on my sons face, his cute little cheeks turning red and the way he stared at the floor kinda just read "where is the nearest rock I can crawl under".
Hey - Mom was wearing some cool jammies, in my opinion! LOL!
They were a gift from my daughter even lol.
It's a style here if you walk out in sleep pants. lol Nothing wrong with that and I think it's waaaay cool. ;)
No photo to share?
AAAAAWWWW you so mean!! lmao!! did you have the braids and straw hat and red lipstick on too?
Nah, he was spared that lol
I have this total belief in being honest. No the matter. Does this cause problems for me? HELL YES! And it is something that I am ok with. Friend or ehhh not so much I will always give it to you like "I" see it. I might listen to your response or maybe not *grins*, (I said I was honest right), heh. I'm not everyones cup of tea and you are most likely not mine, but at least you know that I won't be feeding you a plate of bullshit. Those of you that get me....few that do...I hold you close to me, thank you :)
It's a great trait and shows much integrity. But if you go down the route of 'honesty' then you have to bring along a little 'tact' too :-p
Tact??? ;)
Tact .. as in when to be honest if it means hurting someones feelings! Sometimes it's best not to say anything!
If only I could do that!!!
I've been a bit snarky these last few days I'm afraid, just worried about my ultrasound results which haven't came in yet and it's been over a week. I'm stressing. Unfortunately it comes out in other areas of my life. Giving myself a quick pep talk and focusing on being positive, they are in the office tomorrow so maybe then. Pooey.
Hang in there- you will know soon. *cross fingers*
Thanks VW :)
I'm staying possitive on this one for you, just wish I was there in the flesh :-s
Awwww thanks Stephen x
Keeping my fingers - and toes - crossed for you!
Well we wuv you...snarky or not:P *that's so cute lol*....good luck beautiful*huggs*
Just got home from decorating the hall for my son Brandons wedding reception tomorrow, it looks beautiful. The wedding itself will be outdoors on the beach, hope it won't be too hot as it has been up to 107 degrees this week. Time to freshen up and head on out for the rehearsal and then a bbq afterwards. :D
A wedding? Nice!
You have been super busy, haven't you?
Yeppers, my plate has been rather full heh, mostly in a good way :)
Grats and enjoy!
Just sent Pinja off and now I'm headed to the hospital for an ultrasound of my neck, I was right, it is my thyroid or that is what the Doc thinks, we will know more after they take a look at it today, see if it's nodules etc. Blood work has already been done last week and I haven't got the results back yet.
Hurry up and wait.
That's the part I wish wouldn't be so long for both doctor/patient review. Especially the wondering...hope everything turns out ok*crosses fingers*
Don't you hate the wait? In any case, I hope that everything is okay.
Love you baby.
Please let me know how it goes.. Ok?
Good luck Pan
Still recovering from the bachelorette party Friday night, damn, we got hammered, but it was hella fun that's for sure. Don't think I'll be posting pictures though hehe.
Getting ready to go to an outdoor concert with Pinja in a few hours, Theory of a Deadman is playing, should be fun :)
Looks like you were gettinv hammered before you left for the party too!
Hammered and not nailed? Jkjk
Have a good time at the concert!
21:32 Aug 30 2012
FIngers and Toes crossed Miss Pandora!!! xoxox
21:33 Aug 30 2012
Thanks doll :)
21:57 Aug 30 2012
my prayers are with you dear. just hoping its an over active gland please let me know when you find out. worried about you
22:26 Aug 30 2012
Thanks Terry, I will :)
02:34 Aug 31 2012
Had a friend with something similar and it did in fact turn out to be messy but the good news is he's doing better than ever now. You might say that getting it taken care of kicked him in the butt to deal with a lot of things besides this thing. Blessings in disguise and all that crap....lol!
22:15 Aug 31 2012
Thats not good, i hope you gave them hell! whats going to happen now..will they retest? How friggin frustrating.