They said the tissue was normal. The dimple is part of the normal structure. I wonder why it appeared. I guess it doesn't matter. It's good news.
The test is tomorrow. Technically, it's today--it's after midnight. I hope it goes well. I hope they don't find anything.
I called to make an appointment because they did not get back to me. I have to call again tomorrow to change it to next Thursday morning because that's when my friend can take me.
There is a dimple that shouldn't be there so a test has to be done. If they don't call me, I have to call them to schedule it. I don't like this.
:( Hope you're okay.
Me too. I won't know for awhile. They of course won't call to schedule until after the holiday, if at all.
09:12 Aug 11 2018
im glad it turned out ok