Why does it feel like all we do is working are life away, all I do is work all the time and travel with my company. I need to meet new people and get a life.
Well another day of no sleep and I am tried.
Wish I know what was wrong with me o well I guess I will make the best of it chat with some people and get to know them.
Death is nature part of life but what thrilling about death. some people are scared of death other will face death and become part of death. Death is very intriguing to me. I am not scared of death well I would punch death in the face. I think death can bring out the real person in everybody. Death is a great color on me it is part of me.
You never know how much you miss your family until you are gone for years traveling. You can always trust you family more than anybody else they will always be there when you need help.
She will text me call me and want to go to lunch a lot then it stops. In a few Mo she will doing it again, I know I am doing something wrong but don't know what I am doing. I have tried asker her to hang out but she doesn't want to till she feels like it. When this all started she gives me hints that she likes me but its hard for me to date someone who I work with because I have always lived by these rules. Now I think I could do it but I think I have done the damage.
Well looks like my trip to OBX is coming to an end but I get to go home for a week before I leave for the next market
Its been about 5 mo since I have seen my family I miss them but they and I know my job has a lot of traveling. It does look good because I get to go home at the end of this mo for a week
I hate that I have to hide myself because of my job not only I have stress of being in charge but I have to dress profession and cover my tat. Maybe one day in this world you can be who you are and don't have to hide it.
It sucks that our society doesn't see that tattoos and piercings do not have anything to do with our professionalism. It's all about appearances to this world. It sucks big time because every day I too have to hide my tattoos (for the most part, my wrists and fingers are exposed most days) and I have to take my industrial out which sucks even more due to it being hard to get in sometimes. So I know where you are coming from. Sadly I do not see society accepting these things as "professional" anytime soon.
What is it about girls that you can stop thinking about but she will make you mad all the time.