Well, life isn't turning out like I thought it was. The year, I thought, started off with a bang. I watched as the day for my period to start, came and went. After two weeks, I was convinced I was pregnant. I took a pregnancy test....negative. Murphy's law came into effect and I got my period the next day. Always happens. *sighs* Off to the fertility specialist, hopefully I can afford it.
Onto the house. You have seen the pictures and you saw what I said about the inspection. Well, our real estate agent, didn't like how our inspector skimmed over the addition to the house. I didn't feel he skimmed, he warned us to get it checked out more thoroughly than he could do. Anyways, our realitor sent over a contractor, to check the addition and the foundation under it.
Basically, he found that when the owners did the addition, all they did is put 2x6's on top of the cement patio. Ok, just so you understand, most foundations are several FEET thick. They set a two story addition on a couple inches of cement patio. To say the least, it was settling and tearing away from the rest of the house. The contractor stated that within 5 years, it would do major damage to the house and would take about $30,000 to fix.
So, we walked away from the house. We took the recommendation from our realitors and walked away. But the realitors kind of pissed us off. They made comments like, "Well we won't do that again" and then made comments about it being too much of a good deal. 2500 square feet for $150,000. Yeah it was a good deal, but it needed some work, other than the structural problems. We are willing to paint and put up some drywall, no biggie.
So, again, we start over. Looking for a home to call our own and attempting to add to our family. Its depressing as hell, but we will go on.
Well, we have had the inspection on the house and it has a lot of things wrong with it. It won't pass the FHA appraisal inspection from the look of it, which means the bank is going to have to fix some things. Among the problems are:
- Main pipe pressure is above 80psi – Recommended installing water pressure regulator. (This should cut down on the leaking everyplace else.)
- Waste line leaking at crawlspace
- Leaking found: Hot water heater – Supply line at top and another in the wall.
Leak from supply line under kitchen sink
Kitchen faucet leaks
Outside faucet leaks in the back.
- Hot Water heater Pressure relief valve too short, extend 6 to 8 inches of the floor.
- Seismic straps are needed on Hot Water Heater.
For FHA appraisal standards, it is assumed that the following is what will need to be done.
- Drywall needs to be replaced in garage, around the electrical panel and in ceiling.
- They might request a check on the settling of the house.
- Roof needs to be repaired, where it is leaking over the garage
- Electrical Panel cover needs to be replaced. (screwed in)
- Door knobs in the garage door
- Railing on the stairs
- Patch the cracks in the ceiling in the family room
- Seismic straps need to be put on water heater
- Overflow valve pipe needs to be lengthened
- They might request that gutters are put on all the dormers.
- Working smoke detectors.
Now I know that some of these things, we can do ourselves, but we will see what the bank covers. Hopefully, at least the plumbing issues. Wish us luck.
I didn't realize that you could delete your profile and still come online and have conversations. Apparently, with the 30 day wait, to delete, you have that option.
So, although Woulfhound doesn't show up as a current user, he is still having conversations with people. Example: RedQueen's Journal
That's because after you delete and you log back in within the 30 days, it cancels out the deletion. He must be signing in and when he is done with whatever he is doing, he just deletes his profile again until he signs in yet again.
True- we now have 30 days to come back.
Ya there seems to be a loop hole there that the people who enjoy causing problems, self delete come back start bs again and then self delete again.
I didn't know that either, wow it's like being able to come back from the dead!
WTG Jayme And Josh!!!!
I like the house. It has a lot of ROOM! Can I come live wit you two? HAHAh! Its so awesome.. I can not wait to see your final touches on the home:D I love the upstairs! GOOD LUCK!
Great news! Now to keep the fingers cross on that other project you two got going on, ;)
The house looks great! Good luck with it! I hope it all ends well!
21:08 Jan 26 2010
Hang in there sis- all in good time.
16:08 Jan 27 2010
Sorry to hear this..
Have you thought about buying land and getting a house built?
19:20 Feb 02 2010
I know it's hard but I'm positive things will work out for you guys and hopefully right around the corner *hugs*