Omg, y'all having VR cooperate office in your kismet just made my day.
Lol. Thank you for that. It made me smile.
Now onto other randomness,
Dear dear mrfox. You think your the only troll on this site. Your random picks of online individuals asking the utmost and craziest questions is rather laughable. We see through your trolling. I blocked you once, but due to inactivity on this site you became unblocked. I shall have to remember to log on monthly to keep you blocked.
I normally don't post my personal life too often on here, but I just need to vent, and we'll isn't that what journals are for.
So the job or teaching is going ok, however the caliber of students I had to teach were I guess not serious enough to be a massage therapist. So far I've had 6 students take the licensing exam, 3 have passed and 3 have failed. I had 10 students. Right now im at a 50% pass rate. Not looking good for me as I need a 70% pass rate.
Next up is my pay. The school has me at a 12 month pay instead of 9 months, so guess what, I had a paycheck taken back and owe 1 1/2 months of pay. Hopefully the 20 hrs I've been working will balance things out.
Lastly, and this hurts the most is I had a fur baby cross the rainbow road today. He was a precious dog, my brother in law had tonleave him with us because his GF at the time (now wife) is allergic to dogs. We all loved him. The sad part is I didn't get to say goodbye to him. I was at work massaging when my family had to take him to the local shelter to euthanize him. He was 11 y/o lab mix. He had hip dysplasia too. But what bothers me thd most was he was fine until we took him to the vet and he got his rabies vaccine. He began to start having seizures a day after that and it got worse. The last I remember seeing him was this morning sitting there staring at me and I could see In his eyes something was wrong. Now im.about to head home from work knowing he won't be there to greet me and that's what hurts me.l, that and not being able to say goodbye.
I'm so sorry for your loss. That is truly heart breaking. I've had similar experiences with my fur babies. I'm so sorry.
Thank you Sire Wallflower
I am sorry for your loss, but he is in a better place now. And do not think your teaching can make up for lack of motivation of students.
17:04 Jul 02 2023
17:39 Jul 02 2023