I think it is possible to have completely platonic relationships with males. My boyfriend doesn't and does not want me calling/texting any male that is not a family member.
He also does not want me to wear form-fitting clothing because it might attract attention from other males.
He does not want me wear my hair in braids or to cut it.
I'm feeling like this relationship has too many rules. I want to speak to who I want, wear what I want, and do what I wish to my hair. But I also want my boyfriend. I'm not quite sure if I'm happy with what I have.
I don't know if I am in love or in lust with the source of my agony. How can one tell the difference?
Well were not broken up be but I get the feeling we may be soon. Some serious stuff went down yesterday
Is take it or leave it a disrespectful phrase to use? Is it enough to end a relationship over?
We were talking about bodies and he brought up cup size. I said I happy with my size and he could take it or leave it.
He said I was trying to carry him with that phrase and it was disrespectful. He said that the woman with the most perfect body in the world could say that to him and he would "leave it."
He hung up on me after saying that without warning and I text him: I'm sorry for the perceived disrespect and I would not use the phrase again but I got my point across.
He text me back: You don't respect me at all.
I wrote: I disagree. Respect: to admire someone or something as result of abilities, qualities, or achievements. It can be given or received. I think I do give you respect. I'm sorry for the perceived disrespect and I now know you don't like the phrase.
He writes: You got the wrong one!!! I'll leave it.
Did we just break up?
if he wants breast, he should go to kentuky fried chicken I've heard they got all sizes
01:56 Jun 24 2015
this guys sounds like a control freak that consider woman as a "thing' they own and not a human being.