"Good Evening Miss Lauren." He said with a seductivly sultry voice. His hands went to her waist and pulled her close. She saw his face then, Rugged and handsome. But his eyes gave him away. They were old and hurt, something had been done to him o make such a mark on such a strong looking man. She began to struggle, to get away from this man that knew her name. But it was no use, she wasnt budging an inch and he didnt even look like he was trying. Trying to scream was pointless for the words resused to excape her throat.
He had longed to touch his lips on her velveted skin and take his share of heaven. But as he stood there he didnt want to put her through pain. He wanted to keep her safe and to all of himself. Around the corner someone was walking towards them. Looking for all possibilities to excape he chose the safest one. a little ways down the sidewalk was an alley. He turned her eyes toward him once again and sent her into a deep sleep until he told her to awaken. She felt weightless in his arms, like a porcelen doll made by angels. The people were almost around the corner but he was to fast for them. The darkness of the alley way covered their presence. The only thing that the people would know was to get away from there for there was something off about that alley way. They soon passed for that reason. He looked back down at her. "What am I going to do with you now Miss Lauren? You are magic incarnet and you have found a way to melt my heart. That I did not expect. but i shall not harm you. Know that you are safe in my arms, for now."
The lights were off and everyone was asleep. Except for me and my cat, Speedway. Again I couldnt sleep, so I stayed on the computer. Clicking on things that peeked my interest. Speedway was sitting at the door and meowing so I got up and put him on my lap and stroked his ego by petting him for a good while. "I hate pop-ups" I annouced through gritted teeth. I was about to close one when a voice came over the speakers, "Come with me. Do not be afraid. Come and be my mistress of the night... Miss Lauren." My hand instinktivly went to my throat. "How does it know my name?" I tryed to close the pop-up but it wouldnt work. The content was an address in town. This intruied me so I wrote it down and headed out of the house to see what this was about. Speedway looked at me with concerning eyes. "Dont act like that. I will be right back. Promise." He meowed and layed back in the chair where I was sitting.
The air was cold considering it was winter but not cold enough to impair my car from starting. "Piece of crap!" I kicked to tire and walked off into the night. The wind had picked up so I bundled myself up in my jacket and walked toward this mystery address. I knew it was aoround the corner but before I stepped into veiw of whatever was over there I peeked around the corner. Nothing was there, just the street lamp and an empty corner. But something was wrong my hand went up to my throat again. I have to get back home, something is not right. At that moment the street lamp blackened and I was now on a desolate sidewalk. I turn to run back home but there is someone in my way. "Good Evening Miss Lauren."