i am who i am,i beleive in what i beleive in,no matter what anyone thinks.i say what is on my mind,sometimes the truth hurts i guess.i found vr while researching vampires on the internet,i camt to this site hoping maybe one just one on here will be a "Real Vampire",not one of those fakes,wannabees or one of those that end up just being a phsyco,,,i determined a long time ago that if,what i beleive is true,that some day i would come across a vampire,one that would find me worth turning,,,there are a few reasons i want to turn,i beleive that their health is different than ours,i have a rare disease that is making me lose my eyesight,i have fought it medically for 18 yrs now with no improvement or permenent help to save my site,i have a need to protect and take care of my family to no end,i feel it is my job no matter what and i want to be able to take care and protect them until the end,,,,i feel the need to find,if there is such a thing,find what and whom i am suppose to spend eternity loving and being devoted to,the type of relationship that feels like no other,you wake up thinking about that oen,go to sleep thinking of that one,,every minute of the day n mite involves that one in my heart and on my mind,total devotion beyond all other,.I feel the need to be something,make something of myself,be satisfied in who i am and i have not yet done that.and it always comes down to this,all i want is to become a vampire,that is who i am meant to be,for many reasons,and if that one is out there reading this,you will let me know,some how some way at some unexpected time in my life.it is all i think about,dream about and want....