What is with snobbish, arrogant, Ignorant people?
Is there a reason that they act the way they do? Or is it simply that they have a carnal urge to brag about the things they own. Im sorry but i have no sympathy for them...They believe they are better than the rest of us people who have to work for a living...We are the ones that make up most of society, but still they frown upon because we dont have a 2010 mustang or that we dont own an expensive huge house. Just because we live in a smaller house doesnt make you better...It makes you pretty pathetic actually...You think that money buys happiness when in fact, it doesnt. Going out into the real world working hard for something you want is happiness..Because the moment you earn what you wanted it means so much more......
Okies enough ranting for now....^_^
I swear they are putting stuff in the water here....
Everyone is pretty much stupid...There are a certain few who have brains and common sense....I would love to kill off the stupid people...but i guess if i did that then i what fun would i have making fun of them??????????
22:01 Sep 26 2009
You're telling me!
I am rich. Filthy rich.
No, never mind. my "parents" are rich. I just occupy the smallest bedroom at the end of the hall on the right.
They are both jerks, then they'll try to buy me a meaningless thing to make up for it.
Materialistic things cant make up for absence of love.
I pay for all of my phone, most of my clothes, and im applying for a job as soon as I can get papers.
The point is that you're right.
Money= Bitches & assholes!
If you ever need to talk, know that im here!