So as I was going to work the other day, I heard a commerical on the radio for some sort of herbal sleep aid. The beginning of the ad imparted a most important fact, and as you all, dear readers, are very close friends of mine, I want to share this tidbit of radio wisdom with you. I want you to keep this with you always, and may it comfort you in your life.
"Lack of sleep is the number one cause of fatigue."
People, I cant make this shit up! I just hope you all got a laugh out of that like I do.
02:29 Feb 21 2008
Yes. And Marriage is the leading cause of Divorce
02:37 Feb 21 2008
18:36 Feb 23 2008
Much like unprotected sex is the leading cause of STDs and pregnancy...which lead to marriage...which leads to divorce and the lack of sleep which causes's a never ending cycle.
Is it any wonder why I'm frikkin nuts???
22:46 Feb 23 2008
Haha! No... Really?