hewhoeatshorseflesh@ .......also eats dog food like a annuanki slave lol
no one is teaching Sumerian magick properly....
you can see the shape of the layout of Atlantis in my profile pic....I saw this later after I made it
I call the dead files girl milk maid because I have a past life memory of her milking cows....imediatly after that they tied her to a stake....and forced me to watch....before I was drowned for being witch. Now...I'm on fire as Washington's Angel of light from her burning....I cry all the time over it....oh how I hate that morning
she was laughing hard at something....too bad I can't remember anything else
Sometimes....it takes an angel with an extra set of wings to lift an angel up with a single pair that are broken.....like a wounded brother riding on the back of a horse.....in order to be an angel for other angels on the battlefield....of existence...
I just wanted to say...good morning vampire rave (kind of the oxi moron)
Shine your light in the brightest of places.....so that it shines the farthest so that all can see for miles in the dark with the wick of the spark of your life and soul.
Report (more shall be added as I do them)
1.) Spent 5 minutes grinding down my skin on the back of my hands and knuckles with a rough geod stone until it bled....in order to condition them so they won't bleed as this hardens the skin into thick pads...
working on the rest right now...
2.)Just finished 1 set of bicep curl 2x 40lbs x20 while focusing on raising kundlini chakras...and placing a symbol in each one...placing mental focus simotaniosly meditating awake....
while counting reps.....
more in a little bit.....
3.) got one more set of x30 of x2dumbell 60 lbs and I've benched 100 reps total of 120lbs....
4.)finished doing 20 3x reps of bicep curl
hold on.....got busy....I'm in the middle of doing more
5.) okay I just finished 1 sequence of pink lotus yoga's electromagnetic heart chakra kyira....
hold up....
ancient Sumerian for
Good beautiful shining goddess
I somehow know....when cuneiform is draw in pairs of four....its called the four winds formation.....and has something to do with the way symbolicly....psychic information arrives in your consiounous from outside yourself and how your awareness is supposed to interpret it.....but I do not understand what each position means..... or if its like right side up and down tarot cards....but four winds formation....was for magick....not writing letters to your mama....
the grigori....is the ancient Slavic term for the watcher angels that came after the igig revolt....or the annunaki servants revolution....
igig is the Sumerian term for ushibiti or familiar human servants
they are the original ancestors of the Illuminati bloodline...
the grigori came about...to protect everyone on both sides....I presume...in my opinion anyways.
Ra or the sun god....if you look at the way stars form from nebula which is gas spinning upon itself.......its no different then a hurricane spinning or a tornado...on the earth.... so I see that the sun.....is a storm.....that rains out light and winds.....and without this higher storm....the lower storm god.....does not work....so to become your own star.....is to become a space nebula hurricane