Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,464    [ Give / Take ]


69 entries this month

21:11 Jan 31 2007
Times Read: 1,912

Rating the new members and I find this.

Quote: Don't judge me until you know me!!!

And what else does the profile say?

Nothing. Just a picture of her.

*throws hands up*

Do people just not understand what a profile is for?




Database: Bad for my creidit card. :)

19:59 Jan 31 2007
Times Read: 1,909

The Database been updated, and that is great news for the site.

How do I know? Just spent the last few hours catching up on rating the new items. *shakes hand to work out the cramp*

Good news: Database is growing. Woo Hooo! Thanks to all the people who submitted, and the ones who spend the time updating the information.

Bad news: Now I have four books I want to see if Connie has, and at least two CD’s I want to go to Amazon to see if they have samples on. lol.

I still want the Claire top. How much is 35.99 pounds in US money?

Vampiress shoes? You can keep those 4? 6? inch heels. At my age - bones are hard to heal. (I almost put hard to “heel” but didn’t. lol :)

Movies have been added, makes me want to pay attention to the B rated moves at the rental video store.




Calling all Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius... J/K!

15:11 Jan 31 2007
Times Read: 1,346

You can tell I am sooooo bored at work when I start taking quizes. ;) But it had to do with my sex "sign" so... I needed a good laugh.


You are so popular, you have your choice of hotties. You can easily charm anyone of your choosing, and you often come home with someone you picked up at the bar.

Despite your forward and extraverted nature, you are usually submissive in bed. You like your partner to take the lead and show you all of their little secrets.

Sex matches: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com




Faucet and land cost.

14:59 Jan 31 2007
Times Read: 1,349

My mother and father are remodeling their bathroom in the home they built in 1946. When started they had only two rooms. As money allowed, they added on. When I was a child, it was four bedrooms, living room, small kitchen and one bathroom. Same as it is now.

My mother has a hard time stepping into the baby blue cast iron tub, as she is handicap. Thus, a new shower/tub was in order. Needed painted, the vinyl flooring needed updated. So… total redo! LOL Has not had any work done in over 43 years. (Baby blue cast iron tub, hello? lol)

I walk in yesterday evening to find Mom and Dad having a laugh over the cost of a faucet. She made him get her a Delta brand – not the cheap one he wanted. (See- I do take after my mommy.) However, Mom is unable to grip handles much, so you have to keep that in mind when you buy things for her.

Dad is having a fit. “I paid $172.00 for that thing. That is more then I paid for the land I am standing on.” Mom just laughs and he joins in. I had to ask what was so funny and I learned some history yesterday.

They brought 16 acres of land that the home built on, that our business is located on, back in 1945. The cost? $250.00

Now is that a sign of the times, or what?




Beauty fades.

21:49 Jan 30 2007
Times Read: 1,363

Rating the new members and run across one with a two-sentence introduction. She has decided to let the several pictures of her speak instead.

All I can think of is the comment Judge Judy Sheindlin made:

Beauty fades, but stupidity stays always.

Not that she is stupid or anything… may be a 4.0 student.

If she is- shame she is unwilling to show it.




Goverment Upgrade...

21:23 Jan 30 2007
Times Read: 1,368

Today’s work in the office was the ordeal of trying to bill with the Dept. of Defense PowerTrack billing system. Yes folks - the government has decided to go high teck on the relocation department. Can we say a major fuck up?

Years in the making and still it does not work. I am so very lucky in that I do none of the billing for the business (unless you make me) so this falls on my sister’s shoulders. Did that make for an easy day for me? Oh… what do you think?

Some of the comments of the day:

“They have radio and media on the site.” “Think they have porn?”

“Oh fuck. Section 3, Item 47…its has notes. #234 notes!”

“There is no way this was worked off the RSD tariff. No freaking way. I have billed for fifteen years- and that I never seen this junk.”

“When you make me sit thru a brief history of how we got here- can it not be a ten minute download? Not so freaking brief, is it?”

“Subtask 311 has #129 pages… what the hell!”

At lunch, I was eating a cup of peaches for a snack and spilled the juice all over me as I open it. The odor has been on me all day, so I have been called peaches all day. “Hey peaches…make a copy of this for me.” “Peaches - come look at this and tell me what you think it means!”

I have looked over at my sister, seeing her over the 17 inch laptop screen, and finding her eyes glazed over. She looks up and tells me to slap her on back of the head if her eyes roll back. Then she started to bop up and down every time I looked over at her. At least it kept her awake as she read about how to bill on this “wonderful advancement” of the government.

She reached for my water bottle and ask me if I had cooties? Booger in your mouth of late? I smiled and asked her “What do you call of late?” She just stole my water. Little pain in the butt. But she is having a bad day so I let her slide.

She painted her nails around 10:00am, played with her makeup for twenty minutes, and even had time to clean the top of her desk off as she waits for the site to load. When she started to clean her phone is when I started to worry.

Yes – this is to cut down on wasted labor of government offices.

Maybe I should have read the letter that told of class you could pay for - nearest one in TX. Funny- they suggest you send a tech, not a billing clerk. Now I know why.

Help line? Why yes- they have one. Called it on last Monday, 7 days ago, and received a ticket number. Still waiting for that call back. Guess there are a few bugs in the system.

But then- it is the government. Enough said, right?




:) Ohhh come on, it's funny!

16:07 Jan 30 2007
Times Read: 1,374

An old cowboy sat down at the Star bucks and ordered a cup of coffee.

As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him.

She turned to the cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?"

He replied, "Well, I''ve spent my whole life breaking colts, working cows, going to rodeos, fixing fences, pulling calves, bailing hay, doctoring calves, cleaning my barn, fixing flats, working on tractors, and feeding my dogs, so I guess I am a cowboy."

She said, "I''m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about women. When I shower, I think about women. When I watch TV, I think about women. I even think about women when I eat. It seems that everything makes me think of women."

The two sat sipping in silence.

A little while later, a man sat down on the other s! ide of the old cowboy and asked, "Are you a real cowboy?"

He replied, "I always thought I was, but I just found out that I''m a lesbian."





02:33 Jan 30 2007
Times Read: 1,382

Watching the TV show Two and a Half Man, and a question came up about your funeral.

Who would come to you funeral? Would people be sad?

Makes you think.

How many peoples lives have you touched?

How many people would miss you?

How many people would cry?

Well… as I am a very private person- I would say about a dozen that was not family.

Is that bad?

However, the show had some funny parts- even had a Great Dane.




23:58 Jan 29 2007
Times Read: 1,387

Quote found as I rated:

"Am I nothing more then a line in your book"

Comic book?

Horror book?

My little black book?





Hurt? Hell yeah it hurts!

19:13 Jan 29 2007
Times Read: 1,396

When one pulls the upper stomack muscles- this is what you can expect.

When you wake up and try to roll over on your back, it hurts.

When you get out of bed, it hurts.

When you move, laugh, stretch, sit, walk, and eat- it hurts!

And when you have to work 7 hours packing on a military job, bending, reaching and moving in all kinds of ways- it fucking hurts!!

*mumbles as I walk away, slowly, to find the aspirin, holding my chest just under my breast... Kathy Smith's just 8 more sit ups... my ass. Skinney Bitch.*




Prince Mark- blessing or a curse?

14:55 Jan 27 2007
Times Read: 1,424

Prince Mark bashing is getting old to me. After being attacked on the forum three times for having it, then attacked by several messages- I really wish people would stop.

Questions I would like people to ask me, instead of attacking me about the mark. Why do you wear the mark, how did you get it? I will say the only reason I have it is that I purchased a lifetime membership. I do not offer the Rave any thing, as I am a slacker on here. I use the Rave to relax and to talk to a few friends I have made. I just want to help, in a very small way, support the site for all those who are on it. Now tell me were that makes me a bad person?

Did I know I would have gotten the stamp if I put up the cash? No.

How do I like having a page with just us on it? Well to tell you the truth- just makes those of us an easier mark to attack.

Would I of become Sire without it? As I use rating to calm my mind down, dulling as it is, I would say yes. I will stay on the Rave, and yes, I would have made Sire. Now just so there is no misunderstanding- I was happy at a level 15. However, someone on the site, who was a level 20, keep throwing up he was higher then me. Safe to say- I took it as a challenge and now I am here, and he is still a Viper. *Smile*

Would I lose Sire if I lost the mark? Yes. Before you start the “Told you so” shit, ask me if I care? No. The only thing Sire has given me is the power to leave my coven. Big freaking deal. Have not done that yet, so….

In addition, no- I will not start a Coven of my own. Did you miss the slacker thing?

Tried of the attacks for trying to support a site that I love, and wanted everyone who found it to enjoy.

When did wearing the Prince Mark become a reason to be hated, and attacked?

I hate clinches and clubs. Never wanted in one, and I do know VR has a few. I stay away form most people on the Rave. You do not see me on the forum posting everyday, on the vamp box often. I try to just be here and start no shit, stay out of the way of those who are in the higher up positions.

*moving all her toys back to her profile, making sure her lurking is on*

I think I will just stay here. I am done with the attacks.

VR just went down a little on my places of joy, fun. I never liked being attacked for no reason, or made out that I think I am “better” then anyone else. Gosh- when did I ever treat anyone like that? When did I throw up being a Sire to anyone? People make it a bigger deal then I ever have.

You do not even know me, but you attack me because I wear the Mark?

Just tried of the shit.

* goes back to her toys *




Long week.. very long.

03:12 Jan 27 2007
Times Read: 1,439

Pulls out the soapbox and looks at you. “You want a drink? This is going to be a long one. I mean if you need to get a snack, go to the bathroom… No? Then let’s start.”

*goes and sits on the soapbox* I know I should stand- but I am tried, so…screw it.

Been a long week. Let us see… slept like shit after my courier run. Then up early. At work when the call comes in - one of the rental homes has had a fire. Now- this is at 2:30pm. The fire was this morning. Why did they wait so long? Who the hell knows.

As property belongs to my parents, Dad went with me. The fire is the result of a pan of grease left on the shove, the 84-year-old woman forgot she had turned the stove on. This is a lovely older woman who mind slips a little, and I would never blame her for the accident that damaged the home. However, the daughter who lives with her…

However, let us start with the insurance company. I called the claim in, and after the woman asked the most stupid question- “Is the fire out?” I asked to speak to a manager. Parents only have two properties left and No, I do not have the policy number. After a few minutes-, they told me an adjuster would be right out as one was in the office.

Now the daughter can piss off a saint. Truly. Dad leaves about five minutes later, leaving me with her. I can see Dad is not going to get any baked goodies from me any time soon. :)

A few HOURS later the adjuster shows up. After the man tells me how I was not the policy holder, and he would have to talk to them, I called Dad’s cell, telling him he had to come back out to the home. What does he do? He tells me to hand my cell phone over to the man, and tells him I am in charge of this claim.

Well, fine. The adjuster and I got along fine, until the daughter started asking about her “damaged items”. Her damage? How about my flooring, cabinets, stove, range hood, and ceiling? But she wants her couch, loveseat, recliners cleaned. Who is going to wash all the curtains, clothing, and linens? All the little knick-knacks? *rolls my eyes*

Rental Insurance? Nope- so guess who is doing all that work? *Evil smiles* Bit-h. Then she acted insulted. INSULTED! I am like- HELLO! You almost burnt my house down, remember?

* adjust my butt on the box… thinking she needed a padded one*

Had a call this week, early in the morning. Its from a woman who said she needed to arrange for a mover. “What day are you looking at?” “Today” Ooooooo Kkkkkk.

When I point out our first day free is in two days- she makes the comment “Your ad in the phone book does not say By Appointments Only.” After I closed my mouth, I had to agree. “But I am not a hair salon, and I do not take walk-ins.” She hung up on me. WTF?

Another customer who booked a move had some strange conditions. We were to move his mother items from a storage trailer to a home. We are to place the items one time, no matter what she tells us. He wanted to make this as fast/cheap as he can get by with.

He will have a “Cousin” come after the move to pay the bill, as he could not trust his mother with the money. “Cousin” is not allowed on the property where the mother is moving- so we are to meet her at a gas station in the town. “Cousin” has to drive fifty miles, so we would have to call her before we finish. Were is he at? He is five states away.

* looks at you and arches her eyebrow* Is it me, or is that just a little too strange? I see several problems in the making, and I decided to call and cancel the move. He had plenty of time to get another mover. After he gets mean- I tell him I am a private held business and I can refuse service to anyone. He called me several names I will not repeat, and then tells me I am rude. Rude! Ohhh please. Rude would have been not calling, and just not showing up, asshole. I was trying to be nice, little prick.

Like I said- been a long week and I am going to bed. Just had to get this off my chest.





Ray Gun.

21:38 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 1,447

MOODY AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. (Jan. 25) - The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's an understatement.

It's a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire.

Apart from causing that terrifying sensation, the technology is supposed to be harmless - a non-lethal way to get enemies to drop their weapons.

Well.... huh.




Rating time again!

19:41 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 1,450

Rating time again!

“I’m probably the most interesting individual you’ll come across in this world.”

~pause~ looking at the blank profile. Uh… huh?

“Could love last after death?” ~snort~ I would like it to last during my lifetime.

“The name of the game is to stay alive.” Hey- I know that board game! It's called Life, right?

“In dreams, you’re mine forever” In my dreams, you are Brad Pitt.

“Why live? Why die? Why love? Why hate?” Why ask?

“Wacky personality” ~pause~ blank profile. Now that is just teasing! LOL

“Life is too short. Love as if your last chance. Dance as if it’s your last dance.” Does the chicken dance count? Stands and dances…

“I know I am band for the the depths of hell… are you?” ~ runs to make a few snowballs up~ Wait! Do not go yet.




15:55 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 1,460




Temp is going up.


Damn it!! Must not sucked up enough to RedQueen. *laughter*

Just as well- I have to work a courier run tonight, so I will be on the road.




14:38 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 1,464



Sticking to the ground.



* Snoppy happy dance *

But is it a "going home, snuggle into your bed reading a book as you watch it out the bedroom window" snow?

Waiting to see....




The bird in the morning... :)

01:34 Jan 25 2007
Times Read: 1,474

Read from the bottom, please. :)

ahhhhhh but folks in the hills got to get close enough to USE the buckshot.....

eagle flies away.....shaking her tail feathers at ya......

gotta hit the shower.....tail feathers waving......

On 14:12:44 Jan 24 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Law yes... but remember I am from the hills. We kill things protected by law, and dare the police to stop us.

*brings out the shotgun and starts cleaning it*

Nah nah nah a little buckshot up your tail feathers... LOL ^.^

On 14:08:57 Jan 24 2007 Elemental wrote:

eagle ,..protected by law....nah nah nah......heheheh

On 14:08:17 Jan 24 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

You know- they cook a lot of the birds on this planet. *evil look*

So- what kind of bird are you again?

On 14:06:43 Jan 24 2007 Elemental wrote:

Chirp......welcoming you to the world of those of us with NO CARPORT EVER..... chirp chirp..evil chirp:)

On 14:02:04 Jan 24 2007 Vampirewitch39 wrote:

Morning Bird!

How its chirping this morning?


On 14:01:02 Jan 24 2007 Elemental wrote:

morning gal..:)




Frosty morning. :)

13:44 Jan 24 2007
Times Read: 1,484

So I spent the last few minutes scraping my pickups windows free of frost, thinking of (cussing) my sister as I did so. Why, you ask? Yes- you did ask why. LOL

Yesterday she called me at work around 3:00pm, telling me she was in town. She asked what my plans were for the night, and I told her. Going home, workout with a video, then cook dinner of pasta and sauce. She said, “Oh. I thought you would say Mexican.” *smiles* She wanted to go out and eat, but after all I ate on the vacation, I have to get back to my workouts, and healthy meals.*drinking water as I type this*

Then she asked the questions only someone I love can ask. “So…you have enough for two?” Inviting herself to dinner. LOL After drilling me to make sure I have what she wanted for dinner, garlic bread, cheese, diet Pepsi, she then took me up on the offer to go to my home, and work on paperwork. I tell her to drive by and honk, and I would bring her a key out. (She has her own, she just found out last night) Her comment to this- “Oh baby, curb side service.”

Honk! I go out in the cold and she whistles. I flash a little bare stomach, telling her that is all she gets as its freaking cold out here. She starts the bird sound of “Cheap Cheap!” Oh, come on, as if she ever pays for it! LOL

Let’s get back to the frosty windows. (You forgot you asked, didn’t you.) Well- I pull into my driveway to see her SUV under my carport. Now- why did she not park in the yard, and leave me my parking spot? Who the hell knows. *laughter* Connie tells me I have to love her, and then she usually tells me to play nice. So the invite to Thursday pot roast still stands. I will just try to make it home before her, and park in my parking spot. LOL

Grrrr…Did I tell you I had to use a credit card to scrape the frost off, as I do not have a scraper? Why do I not have a scraper? Why? I have a CARPORT!




Roses are red...

03:32 Jan 24 2007
Times Read: 1,488

Roses are red, violets are blue, I like a little kink, how about you? Elemental wrote this to go with my new stamp- a flogger with red roses. :)

Profile art is changed.

All ready for Valentine Day.






02:41 Jan 24 2007
Times Read: 1,498




Jan 24 2007

Greetings and Salutations,

You took time to stop at my humble page and found it languishing for lack of content. Letting you know that I have updated it greatly and would enjoy your visit and potential re-rate. It will be updated frequently henceforth…

If you have found any deficiencies in my profile, please advise me so that I may rectify any perceived imbalance.


LAZ (^,,^)

Hell he gets a 10 just for all the big words. LOL Wonderful profile by the way, and he is in Ohio.

And he is a paid member.

10,10,10 all around.




These are the life of the goth and restless... LOL

18:45 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 1,508

Eating the bag of microwave popcorn, I read the history of the Vamp Box.

“Ahhh isn’t he sweet?”

“Is it me, or are these two getting on each others nerves?”

“Fight! Fight!”

“That’s right- put him in his place.”

“Preach it sister. Girl power.”

“That is just not right. Ewww.”

“Is it me – or has the Vamp Box become a Love Box?”

Sis comes over and reads a little.

“So he is dating her?” “No, they just flirt. He is dating ___, but that was only after he broke ___ heart.” “Ok. Then how is he involved with this girl?” She asks, putting her hand into my popcorn. Slap it as I go back to explaining the player in the drama.

"And these just had cyber sex, but she is already cheating on her with a webcam on My Space." Sis rolls her eyes and leaves me to my entertainment.

“Wonder who cleans up after all the animals?”

“My gods- if he says Mistress one more time…”

“Just so sweet.” Coughs like a cat with a hairball.

"Yes- lets hear how drunk you are, and just how much you love beer. Better then the talk about drugs, I guess."

Eating popcorn, thinking its better then any soap opera. We just need some music to go along with it. LOL




The Hallowed.

17:58 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 1,511

Mark of the Prince was the subject brought into the forum post by Tammy asking Sires how long it taken to reach that level. Well- I just wanted to point out a few things, using the information on the VR. (May contain errors, but dang close. lol)

The Hallowed, as lifetime members were named by Cancer, is broken down as this: #64 Total.

Level 1- 1

Level 3- 2

Level 4- 2

Level 6- 6

Level 7- 1

Level 8- 1

Level 9- 1

Level 11- 1

Level 12- 1

Level 13- 2

Level 14- 1

Level 15- 1

Level 16- 2

Level 17- 1

Level 20- 2

Level 21- 1

Level 22- 3

Level 23- 5

Level 25- 7

Level 26- 3

Level 27- 1

Level 28- 12

Master- 7

If you go to his Marks - it shows he has #77 Marks out. (I think that number is wrong…but hey- it is the prince.)

Remove the Hallowed from this list - you have these results of members who have the honor of his mark, but not lifetime membership.

Level 12- 2

Level 15- 2

Level 18- 1

Level 23- 1

Level 24- 1

Level 26- 1

Level 28- 10

That leaves out of the 57 sires listed today, only 22 carry his mark. Guess that answers that question- You can become a sire with effort, not whining because you do not have the mark. Grow up people.

*hugs the princes mark to her chest*

It is mine- and no one is going to take it from me. *sticks tongue out in a child like manner*

Turns and skips away.





Bananas and men.

13:24 Jan 23 2007
Times Read: 1,520

I am in my office early and some of the guys come in to visit. Two guys I have known for years. What subject do they start talking about? Sex, as one had a fight with his girlfriend this weekend.

“You are a girl…tell me why woman don’t like to give blow jobs?” he asked with a shit eating grin on his face. Now- I usually just give them one of my evil looks and tell them we are NOT going to talk about this, but this morning…well…it was the shit eating grin that got him caught. He knew what I would say, and did it just to make me do it.

Am I that predictable? Well… we cannot have that, can we?

I pull out of my purse the banana I brought from home for a snack and smile as the grin dropped from his face. “I have no idea why some women have problems with blow jobs. I mean… all that power in your hands…” I start to peel the banana. They start to look at each other, then back to me. I had to smile.

“You can make him wait to cum, take him to the edge then…” I finish peeling the banana and start taking it to my mouth when they both stood and ran from the office, saying “Ewwwww” “That is just not right. Were the paperwork for the job? Let’s go.”

I just bite into my banana and laughed. You have to love men- they are just so much fun to play with. *smiles*





13:17 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 1,538

I read my sister’s message, read it again.

I click to check myself…


I see a smile on my face all day…

I look up to the higher ups...

Thank you!





Suck up.... Southern style. :)

01:16 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 1,551

For Red Queen... is this enough "sucking up" for the snow????

"The greater part of our happiness depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."

----Martha Washington

Red Headed Georgia women...

Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had set their new wives straight on their duties.

The first man had married a woman from Alabama. He bragged that he had

told his wife to do all the dishes and clean the house. He said that it took her a couple of days, but on the third day he came home to a clean

house and the dishes were all washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from So. Carolina. He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. He told the men that the first day he didnt see any results,

but by the next day it was better, and on the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table.

The third man had married a red headed Georgia girl. He boasted that he told her his house was to be cleaned, dishes washed, the cooking done and

laundry folded. And this was all her responsibility. He said the first day he didnt see anything and the second day he didnt see anything but by the third day some of the swelling had gone down so he could see a little out of his left eye




Stupid Questions... :)

01:05 Jan 22 2007
Times Read: 1,552

As far as stupid questions go, these are the stupidest...

1. Why does your gynecologist leave the room when you undress?

2. If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way down to the center of the earth?

3. Why can't woman put their mascara on with their mouth closed?

4. Why is it called alcoholics anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say

"hi, my name's Bob. I'm an alcoholic"?

5. If you mated a Bulldog with a Shitsu would you get a Bullshit?

6. Why are they called stairs inside but steps outside?

7. Why is there a light in the fridge but not in the freezer?

8. Why does mineral water that has trickled through mountains for centuries

have a use by date?

9. Why do toasters always have a setting on them which burns your toast to a

horrible crisp no one would eat?

10. Who was the first person to look at a cow and say "I think i'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"?

11. What do people in China call their good plates?

12. If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

13. Why does Goofy stand on two legs when Pluto remains on four? They're both dogs.

14. What do you call male ballerinas?

15. Can blind people see their dreams and do they dream?

16. If Wile E coyote has enough money to by all that Acme crap why doesn't he buy his dinner?

17. Why is a person who handles money called a broker?

18. If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

19. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is baby oil made from?

20. If a man is walking in a forest and no women is there to hear him is he still wrong?

21. Why is it that when someone tells you that there's billions of stars in the universe,

you believe them. But if they tell you there's wet paint somewhere you have to touch it?

22. Why do you call it an asteroid when its outside the hemisphere, yet call it hemorrhoid when its in your ass?

23. Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?




Trade ya?

23:58 Jan 21 2007
Times Read: 1,557

You shield your self from being hurt...

Stay in your nice warm shell, being safe.


You block your self from all emotions.

Emotions like hope, joy and love.


Is it a fair trade?




Goal reached :)

23:40 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 1,572

You know how you set a stupid goal to reach that means nothing to anyone but you? The kind that if you told anyone - they would look at you, make a comment like "oh" and it will never be talked of again? Well... screw it!

*Happy dance... sticking butt out and wiggles it*

Pages Viewed:


I spend way to much time on VR. LOL




How old are you???

16:16 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 1,580




Love you Nightgame....

05:12 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 1,590

Nightgame at her birthday party. Elemental and I are the ones behind the video. *smiles*




Steps up to say I am sorry.

14:27 Jan 18 2007
Times Read: 1,608

I need to apologize to Stabb666 and to anyone I offended in the forum post on the death row. I also have to say I acted in a manner that I hate having done to me- I attacked someone on his opinion. For this alone, I am truly sorry Stabb666.

This is going to ramble as I have so much to say, so please bear with me.

I have a long history with a death row case, as my journal will show on two entries. One in the “Piss Me Off” with the Death Row Suspensions. Another in “Me being Me” on Why I Hate August. Any of my friends can tell you this subject is a sore spot for me, and gets me very upset. I can see the reason Connie tried to keep me from the post, and why we do not talk on this subject a great deal, just because of my reaction to it. I mean- they are my friends, but would you want a pissed off crying tiger on your hands?

I had spent that morning holding the mother of a deceased military member as she cried, having received his personal items. Death was on my mind, and of course that lead to thoughts of my Aunt. I had them pushed back in my mind, keeping them at bay, as I knew they would upset me.

But hell…these are excuses and I hate people who use excuses. I will step up and accept responsibility for my actions. So … *steps up*

Why did I attack Stabb666? Hum, that is hard to say. I respect Stabb, hold his opinion in high esteem. If I was to be honest, and I am a Libra so the whole scale thing comes into play when I admit I made a mistake, to be honest… He just pissed me off. I went over to read it, not post, but when I read his first comment in the thread- I just had to jump in, and my emotions came to the surface.

Emotions that Elemental and I had talked about during my vacation a few days earlier. As she is a licensed social worker, we agreed that I do need to seek help with my grief, anger about my Aunt’s murder. As just the subject brings a mixture of hate and tears, I have admitted there is a problem with my emotions surrounding this part of my life. And yes, I am crying as I write this. Funny thing… not as much anger this time. More regret that I hurt someone, not being able to control my rage.

Stabb has been nothing but kind, and I know you never intended to offend me or make light of my pain. I never believed for a second you were. This just shows the kind of man he is, worried about my feelings when I attacked him. Makes me feel about *holds finger up with half an inch space between* that small. And so I shall- as I am in the wrong.

However, I did attack you … and being honest, it is because you made several good points. Elemental and I talked about the killer’s family last night. How they are losing a son, brother to this as well. Life in Prison would be more humane sentence, but … *cuss words*…let’s not push it, ok? I face the need for help, and that is half the battle, right?

I just wanted to say I am sorry Stabb666, and to anyone else I upset with my post. Every one has a right to an opinion, and I should have never attacked them for it.





23:21 Jan 17 2007
Times Read: 1,625

Sentoran Yendor visits me a few days ago, leaving me a ten, and his stamp. What made me remark on this in my journal?

“If you come across any content which you suspect doesn’t abide with these terms (VR rules) Please report these to me or any other Sentoran. Help us maintain a decent environment”


Now that - I like. Hats off to Cancer and those who have taken on the job.




21:42 Jan 17 2007
Times Read: 1,631

Rating a little as I am just answering the phone at work, and found this little funny.

Quote: stay true to your leaders

i one of the lost souls that cant find my way

What? You can't follow the leader? Or is the leader lost to?





I like Maxine way of thinking.... :)

17:51 Jan 17 2007
Times Read: 1,640

Maxine on "Driver Safety" "I can't use the cell phone in the car. I have to keep my hands free for making gestures.".......

Maxine on "Housework" "I do my housework in the nude. It gives me an incentive to clean the mirrors as quickly as possible."

Maxine on "Lawn Care" "The key to a nice-looking lawn is a good mower. I recommend one who is muscular and shirtless."

Maxine on "The Perfect Man" "All I'm looking for is a guy who'll do what I want, when I want, for as long as I want, and then go away. Or wait nearby, like a Dust Buster, charged up and ready when needed."

Maxine on "Technology Revolution" "My idea of rebooting is kicking somebody in the butt twice."

Maxine on "Aging" "Take every birthday with a grain of salt. This works much better if the salt accompanies a Margarita."

"The only two things we do with greater frequency in middle age are urinate and attend funerals ."

"The trouble with bucket seats is that not everybody has the same size bucket."

"To err is human; to forgive, highly unlikely."

"Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have millions of old ladies running around with tattoos and pierced navels? (Now that's scary!) "

"Money can't buy happiness--but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a Porsche than a Kia."

"After a certain age, if you don't wake up aching somewhere...you may be dead."





18:12 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 1,676

Went shopping with my Dad for a stove last night. A rental house we own is empty, and when I asked the cleaner to clean the stove- she pointed out to us the burners drip pans were unable to remove for cleaning. Dad looked- and it would take disconnecting wires to be able to replace the drip pans. After you take into account the stove is at least 16 years old, and has a few scratches and dents, wear and tear. Cost to get an electrician to come out and take the stove apart to clean it the way it should. We decided to buy a new stove. Thus… the shopping trip from hell starts.

Lowe’s is not my favorite place to buy appliances. The one in the next town is always full, you can never get someone to wait on you, and I have yet to pick out anything they did not have to order. And it never shows up on the day they say it will. After I point this out to Dad, he agreed to Sears.

I love our local Sears. Small- sells appliances only. Walk in and people meet you, asking how they can help. They keep a good stock in, so most likely I can have it the same day.

As the new rental is to take the key on Thursday, it is a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say.

Dad…being dad…goes to the cheapest stove in the store. $230.00 Now- don’t get me wrong, but that stove would last maybe two years in a rental home…hell, in any home. The oven door had no weight- no good seal. The top burners were three small ones, and only one big burner. That sucks when you are cooking for more then one person. (Hey- my stove came from Lowe’s… live and learn.)

I am looking at Dad and can tell he has his mind set. Fight…or get a little underhanded. *smiles* I went with the underhanded, remembering what my mom told me years ago.

I headed to the $800.00 or more stoves. Wow talk about some lovely stoves. Big burners, food warmers, nice and shinny buttons I had no idea what they did. Dad just started in on me, telling me that was too much money to spend on a stove. Rental one? Heck no.

He went to the $380.00- $400.00 stove, and acting all put out, I slowly joined him. We bought a very nice $395.00 stove, with a new cord. This should last us ten years, I hope.

What did my mom tell me all those years ago? Let a man think he is getting his way, and then get yours.

I got the stove I wanted, and Dad kept me from buying the $800.00 stove.

Have to love Mom.




Blue Bark Day.

16:32 Jan 16 2007
Times Read: 1,680

Today was another Blue Bark shipment, second in as many months. Been contacted about another coming in. What I once did once or twice a year has turned into once a month now.

Today was a young male. His mother accepted his items, and the tears were there. Alone, she stood as we carried in the items, saying as the weight bench came in that he always kept in great shape.

I have no idea how he died, and we would never ask. I have very firm rules on these shipments- keep your mouth shut, and do anything asked of you. Do not interact with the family members.

As I asked her to sign the papers, she cried so much she could not do it. I put my arm around her shoulders and had to fight back my own tears. Seeing the old black and white photo of a man in uniform on the piano, I guess it was of her father, maybe grandfather. I wonder if she had lost him in the service as well.

A few minutes passed and she thanked me, finished signing the papers. I wanted to ask her if anyone was coming over to help her go thru his things…but I remember the rules. I patted her back and told her I was sorry for her loss.

What else can you do? :(

I hate Blue Barks and I hate Bush.

I love the soldiers, and the families who support them.




18:34 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,699

Catching up on the new members and found this lovely quote:

Quote: i love to fuck

Profile is all of 5 words: sexy blond want a man

Can I leave a comment like this?

I love to read.

Think you can write some?


Who cares?

* 5, stamp, rate*

Some people just need to be stamped.




Town news.

17:51 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,701

Lunch with my dad and sis, catching up on the town news.

Two deaths, both business owners I knew.

One killing, shot thru the window at his home.

Big meth lab/ drug bust by the Fed’s.

And an local business burns down.

Wow, town was hopping while I was gone.

*Drinks more water*




Ohh come on... it's cute!

16:23 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,709

I already have a name for him... ;)


Damn dog would take up half my bed... maybe a smaller dog? Hmmmm...




Were does this shit come from?

16:12 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,710

Conversation I had last night with someone off the VR.

“So I am this level and I will be a vampire soon. What level are you at?”

I answer…and please note the short answer. “I’m up there.”

“What level? Its ok if you are below me.”

*Smirks* Ok, lets drop me trying to play nice. “Sire.”

“Really? Then you get all the perks, have all the fun.”

Ok… I narrow my eyes. Fun? Perks he is talking about? Damn… must of missed them. I know there is a “club”, and by the way, I hate that term. I am not above anyone else on this site, just because I spend more time here then I should.

“I am gong to become a premium member soon. Did you see The Hallow? They get to do anything they want on the site.”

I say it again- Fun? Perks? Can I do anything I want to do? *smiles* Ohhh goodie!

“Really? Do they now? Well …huh.” Is all I said to that comment.

Were do people come up with this shit?

Then I get a message asking me how I felt being a Hallowed one.

Well… *stands and wiggles my butt, pats my body down* Feels the same as it did a few months ago.

I paid the membership to support the Rave, nothing more. I do not post in the forum, I do not post in my Coven, I do not write articles, polls, or submit anything to the database.

Those who do, and the ones who have the prince stamp and are not Hallowed member are the ones that I respect, as they help Cancer run the site and make it what it is… fun for me, nothing more.

Me? I am a slacker in VR world... lol.

And I would have it no other way. :)




Hiccups and the Bird.

03:14 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,717

Home from the ten-day vacation, and I am so looking forward to my own bed. :) Have to love a memory foam pillow top and satin sheets.

Look- the central air temperature is set on 55. (Evil laughter) Elemental froze this week. The bird joke has stuck and been added onto- What ever kind of bird she is- she is a tropical one, as she has burned me up these last ten days. *smiles*

I know I know- RAT! * sticks tongue out at her*

However, let me tell you a tale… a tale of that bird… it's a bird tail.. lol

Walking along the beach yesterday, enjoying the view, the sound of the waves. We have spent the day on the beach, in the pool, and hot tub.

(FYI- Never put extra batteries for your camera in the swimsuit bra, if it is too big. Should have seen me dig those puppies out of my… never mind. Just trust me on this one. I so miss my boobs.) LOL... ;)

Back to the bird…

Walking along the water’s edge and I start to hiccup. I have hiccups from hell, hurting my chest, and I sound like a frog sucked into a boat motor. Elemental looks at me and says in her sweet loving way, “You know- if you scare a person, it makes them stop.”

Here I am, on the oceans edge, walking in the water, in a swimsuit. She is going to push me in, right? Maybe grab my arm, and act like it? I wait… knowing she is planning something. Just waiting. Walking and waiting... and waiting...

We walk along, me watching her…and nothing. Wave is crashing, and I let my attention wonder for a quick look at the ocean, and WHACK! Slap in the center of my shoulder blades. “Ouch! That hurt, damn it!” “Yeah, but you stopped, are they not gone?” They were… but still. I mean- I am right on this, right?

Grrrrr…. LOL

Later we went out to dinner, and drinks. As we walked to the SUV, both a little “relaxed” I let out a hiccup. She looked at me and I jumped away from her as we both started to laugh. “That was not a hiccup. I was a burp.” We both knew I was lying. I fought to hold in the hiccups, she just enjoyed the show, smirking as I tried to keep them in. Damn bird!

I have to say she also is a cookie thief, just so you will know. I share anything I have- but sweets and chocolate? Oh hell no! LOL

Off to bed, knowing I will wake up in a few hours…should call sis, wake her up, and tell her how many hours until dawn… *evil laughter* Another sunrise we could share.

*Vision of a bird flying over, bulls eye on the top of my head.*

0.o Hmmm.

Never mind.




Coven... is it worth it?

01:47 Jan 15 2007
Times Read: 1,725

Got these in the system wide message from the Coven I am in. * pulls out the paper and pen, trying to figure the math for the 2% stamp *

Queen Bitch..is back:

Alright..here we go again..It was a good thing that Robin accidently deleted all the threads and we had to start them up again. Now we see who is really active and who isn't..There has been several people I have seen online and has done NOTHING for the Coven..Like I said before..This is not a way station. Holidays are over..granted we have lives..I respect that..but come on now..Even when I had two jobs, I found the time..Get off your asses..or get the fuck out..:D

Queen Bitch


For those of you that do the little that is asked of you Thank you..those who generally try..Thank you.

All is being watched



Jan 11 2007



Move to Saved

Email to Self

Because of one of you girls..My Shimitar left..And this really pisses me off..How darn you ..and you know who you are accusing him of such things, when you dont know the man. I suggest you send me a message. I will not let this rest until I find out who it YOU are.

You know who you are, he is a good man and is protecting YOU name. I will find out.

So message me if YOU are this person

* * * Message from The Coven of the Vampire Dove * * *

*sigh* ( and no it was not me... I have no idea who or what this is about.)

So if I drop below sire... what then? :)




Beach today... freaking cold ocean. LOL

23:25 Jan 13 2007
Times Read: 1,732





20:05 Jan 13 2007
Times Read: 1,738




My sis... Elemental.

15:47 Jan 13 2007
Times Read: 1,741

My sister has been an angel this week, putting up with me.

This morning, as I woke up to watch the last sunrise, she climbs out of bed to join me. Ahhh... how sweet. Of course she gave me a *evil* look as she did, but she did it. ;) lol

She stood on the beach and answered the questions from several people as I swam in the ocean.

“Is that a girl out there swimming?”

“Are you from Canada? Only people who swim in this cold are from Canada.”

To these questions, she tells them:

“No. We are from Kentucky. And she is hot blooded.” LOL

We have called each other many names: Sis, honey, dumb ass, fart face, booger head, rat, and little bird.

I also have received several evil death looks, and many looks of “Why are we friends?” LOL

Connie is usually our referee, but she is not on this vacation. Truth be told, we have gotten along great.

I have remembered why I love this woman. She is strong, she is smart, and she can make me smile and laugh just being around her. We joke we are twins, but I am a pale shadow to her.

*looks at my ass, and smiles.. well almost a shadow* :) hahaha

I love you sis, and I have enjoyed being with you these last 8 days.




Just me. :)

15:11 Jan 13 2007
Times Read: 1,748

Last day on the beach, as tomorrow will be spent driving home. The quote on my profile is something I been reflecting on this morning.

Quote: Those who depend on others to make them happy, will never be happy.

Can anyone make you happy? I mean the whole “love” will make you happy shit, does that ever happen?

I think you have to love yourself. You have to take care of yourself, and take what you want from life. If you find someone to share it with- sure, that would be nice.

What of the taking? I mean- that person, a male in my case. You have to give him time, attention, trust, love in return. He would expect it, right?

I see people in love…and I see the heights and lows of love. To me… the ups are not worth the downs.

While that person can lift your spirit- he can also crush you, take you into a deep pit were you are lost. I never want to give that much control over me to someone. Now is that odd? You would think so… but alone is good for me.

Make you wonder- what does that say about my future? What I can look forward to? I have several very good friends and my family. If they were to tell you the truth, they would tell you I have very “go away” energy about me, if you meet me in person.

I am not a friendly person, and I do not like strangers around me. The two men, who tried to hit on me this week, were brushed away with very few words from me. Why even go there? Not a fan of one night stands, so…

Children? Gods, but you do not know me if you ever think I want a child. Sorry but the “clock” you hear woman talk about never started with me. I have a lovely childhood- but I really dislike kids. Truly- hell on earth is being around a bunch of kids. No desire for the motherhood route.

Love. What is it good for? Hurting.

If it works - it is great. If it does not – it is hell on earth. I guess I just do not need any more hell in my life. Not willing to take the risk? Hmmm… no.

At the ripe old age of 40- giving up on finding that “true love” of my life, and moving on to finding my own inner love, peace with my life. I know what will make me happy.

While I cannot change some things in my life, like my job, I can change several things. I need to work on getting my body in shape, on my health, I need to move pass the death of my Aunt, and I need to accept I am what I am and not judge myself so harsh.

Try to stay calm when dealing with work, family. In a week, the issue will not matter. In a year, who will even remember? I need to breathe and not let things set me off.

I need to return to the things in my life that makes me happy. Leave the ones that make me unhappy, behind. These last 8 days have shown me what those are, and changes in my attitude, how I spend my time, and with whom, is going to change.

I need to be me, and nothing more.

A happy me, but just me.




Last day at the beach.

13:37 Jan 13 2007
Times Read: 1,754

Sunrise shared with my sister, Elemental. :)




Sights and sounds of the day....

20:58 Jan 11 2007
Times Read: 1,767




Big bird had landed!!

19:04 Jan 11 2007
Times Read: 1,770

On the beach with my sister, the baby bird. LOL

And yes- that is me talking.




Baby bird... :)

14:47 Jan 11 2007
Times Read: 1,774

The sunrise this morning was watched….from the back of my eyelids. LOL Yes folks, I slept in this morning. I woke, rolled over in the bed to look over Elementals butt (in the next bed) to see it was still dark out. I closed my eyes and went right back to sleep.

Next time I woke- the sun was just a pale blue, the pink, orange of the sunrise…and I turned away, going right back to sleep again. Aren’t you proud of me?

I woke, sun’s up, Elemental semi awake (aka- not snoring) and I decided to get up for the day. After a trip to the bathroom, I opened a pop, plopped back into the bed, going to enjoy my slow morning, when Elemental spoke, in her demanding tone…

“Are you going after breakfast?”


Now here she is – lying in bed, looking at me like a hungry seagull would her mommy.

Never mind she could get dress and go get ME breakfast for once. But noooo…LOL

“Ok. I will after a walk on the beach.”

“You can’t. They stop serving in 30 minutes. You will miss it. And I AM hungry.”

I swear I could hear the cry of the baby bird in her voice. However I love her, and she is my sister. Besides- Elemental with a cold pop and sweets first thing in the morning makes for a pleasant day. (In other words- Give her what she wants, or she is a really witch)

Yes, my sister has become spoiled by my early morning ritual of the sunrise, no matter what she says. I get dressed, her telling me the ones she liked as far as the pastries, and off I went.

I might be a rat, but she is one big bird… Mumbles about plucking feathers and cooking….




Sit, reflect, and listen to yourself...

20:22 Jan 10 2007
Times Read: 1,788

Just woke up from a 4 hour nap, having taken the below pictures before dawn, at dawn.And yes- I left Elemental asleep, all snug in her bed this morning. LOL.... no "rat" woke her this morning. :)

Speaking of my sister ( I know she loves being in my journal...lol ) Elemental is in the shower, and I am sitting at the table in the hotel room, to lazy to get out of my nightgown, the ocean waves sound in the background, looking out to see them crash on the sand.

Ever think that is life? You see the pain, anger, the sadness coming...but unable to stop it? Life is out of control? Lost in the waves, unable to handle the pounding? To much to handle?

Sit, reflect and listen as a very smart lady told me to do. What is going to make me happy? Why am I sad? What has taken the joy?

There are some things in my life I need to get back.

Some things in my life I need to let go, leave behind.

I know it is coming, I can feel the change in my mind.... my soul. It is close.... so very close.

I need to get my thoughts in order...clear my head of the junk.

And today I start.

The waves don't look so big now... :)

Maybe a walk along the beach to start.

*hugs to Connie, and my friends*




This sucks!!

02:28 Jan 10 2007
Times Read: 1,814

You know me.... I love snow. I LOVE snow.

And what happens while I am on the beach?

At home.....


Sucks apes butt.


And Elemental is laughing her ass off.

"Think we should watch the news?" I ask, thinking of the strike of the military.

She comes back with. "Sure- Should have the weather." Then she stands and cheers.

Did I mentions she HATES snow?

I have no idea why we are friends...





Rat? Me? LOL

14:54 Jan 09 2007
Times Read: 1,819

I am not a loud. burping, chugging a pop, Rat!! ROFL.

* have to read Elemental journal to get this *

At least she left out the farts.

Hey- feed me BBQ and you get what you get. :)

Now lets talk about color of panties.... DEER!!!ROFL





14:26 Jan 09 2007
Times Read: 1,822

Starting the SUV, I glance over to the man who was strapping on his tool belt. I told you the hotel is being worked on, right?

“Mmmm baby. Let me look at you. Ohhh… yeah. Strap on that tool belt.”

He bends over to pick something up, and I reach for my seat belt.

“Damn… nice ass. And the package in front is not bad either.”

He turns to talk with another male, not as cute, and smiles. I love a smile.

“Mmmmm boy I would love to make you smile. And see if you can use that tool. I love a man who can handle a tool.”

He bends over,picks up a wooden crate, muscles in his arms tight. Legs covered in tight jeans…. Woof!

“Ohhh gods but you are a sexy man. Love to take you to the room and…”

WHACK! Sis hits the back of my head…hard! I look at her, stun.

“Ouch! What was that for? I was just looking at the guy.”

“I don’t mind you looking- but the comments are getting on my nerves. Drive.”

LOL Think my sister is missing her boyfriend.





13:53 Jan 09 2007
Times Read: 1,826

"U.S. Gunships Strike al-Qaida in Somalia."

News from this morning... damn. When did this happen?


See what happens when you do not read the news online, and no TV for the last 4 days?

Damn. :(




History is priceless.

13:27 Jan 09 2007
Times Read: 1,834

Remember yesterday when I said I needed to take the stairs at the hotel to give my body some movement? Well… I look back at this and I have to laugh.

See- Elemental and I decided to go tour two Plantation Homes, and drive on into Charlestown, SC. There we found the Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum.

The Plantation Homes were lovely. Gardens and the six hundred year old oaks with moss drape from the limbs were stunning. I loved the brick pathways and the herbs gardens.

Touring the slave quarters, and history of the rice, indigo plant for dye and the cotton of later years grown in the fields. We reflect on the past, seeing how the slaves lived, how they were treated. Just brought home who's back and hard work built the south into what it became today.

The great house with all the lovely furniture, French design. I love French design furniture. All the carvings, the rich silk and cloths used. Love to look at antiques, but to move them makes my nerves stay on edge.

Had to smile- as my training kicked in and I spotted the damage to the grand piano, as I listen to the guide tell us of how old the piece was. At that age you would expect a little damage, but still… veneer peeling and chipped away in spots? Can we say touch up pen?


Then we go from southern charm… to war ships. lol

Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. YORKTOWN, Historic Military Aircraft, All I can say is… it is huge! The hotel stairs? I laugh at those now in my evil laughter way. *smiles* Lots and lots of stairs.

Then onto a Destroyer LAFFEY. Coast Guard Cutter INGHAM. The best for me? The Submarine CLAMAGORE. My gods- but that was a tight fit. Have to share this…but I am afraid of tight, dark places. While it was not dark…I was alone on most of the boats. (Funny- not a big tourist thing on a Monday afternoon in the winter. Lol)

Elemental has bad knees and she decided to stay out of the tour, leaving me to climb, squeeze and being lost all by myself on the self guided tour for the 3 ½ hours.

Today’s plan? Well… read Elemental journal about this morning. * tries to look innocent* Safe to say I will be doing what she wants today…so it will have something to do with civil war. I see a boat trip to Fort Sumter today.

We learned of the slaves, so lets learn of about the birth place of the civil war.

Ohhh… the sunrise was lovely this morning.

The cost of learning about the American History? $30.00

The dinner of spare ribs last night? $25.00

The look of hate from my sister this morning as I woke her up for the fourth time in a row before dawn? PRICELESS! *evil laughter*




Hello Mother....Hello Father. Here I am at Camp....

12:52 Jan 08 2007
Times Read: 1,850

Hello Mother…Hello Father. Here I am at Camp…*hums, as I do not know the rest of it* LOL

Trouble is my middle name.

As we finally went to sleep this morning around 2:00am, I never set the alarm for my morning sunrise. Did that stop me? Nooooo… at 5:10 am, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I did try, knowing it would be a cloudy morning, raining most likely. However, I was unable to sleep. Good news- It was not due to work stuff on my mind…nothing was on my mind. *Smiles, happy*

5:45am I left the hotel room, taking the stairs down, as I needed the movement after a day of lying around in bed, and headed to the beach. Cloudy or not- wonderful sight to see. Ocean waves, birds hunting for food, and me buried in my hoody. lol

I walk back to the hotel, carrying the camping chair, thinking I will take the stairs to the fifth floor- FYI, 56 steps. Then I remember the breakfast I was to bring up to Elemental.

You do remember- the only way to wake her up is with a cold diet Pepsi and something sweet? Donuts, pasties, and a hot waffle were in order. Holding the two plates of goodies, and the chair, I smiled as I walked past the stairway, and hit the elevator button. I cannot climb the stairs, holding the plates of goodies, with the armchair, now could I? lol I will swim a few laps later to make up for it, I promise.

I walk in to find sis getting dressed. Thus- were the trouble started. I am to never leave the room again without telling her I am leaving. I am not leave the beach, were she could not find me as she looked off the patio. And why the hell do I even have a cell phone if I leave it in the room? In addition, I am to not scare her again. Ever!

See- trouble thy name is Kay. LOL




Country Girls. :)

00:45 Jan 08 2007
Times Read: 1,859

After the morning sunrise on a cloudy day at the beach, we (Elemental and I) spent the day in. She has a hangover….uhh…I meant a headache. *Smiles*

We went to see Medieval Times last night, dinner and tournament. Great show, even if the drunken person beside me was spending the two hour show showing his ass. No- not Nita. ;) * evil laughter *

He was a collage kid with his friends and let just say he must be a hoot on game day.

“You are going down!!” was yelled enough in our ears to make me hate the guy. lol

I have to say, the show was great. Great food, strong drinks, men in tights, and the women in rich velvet dresses. But what was the best part of the show for me?

Those beautiful horses. Andalusian was the breed. These are some wonderful animals. My aunt shows walking horses, so I understand the work involved in the training. Training that made it seamless, the walking, tricks and the skill of the movements as the knights did battle.

I guess you can say I am a true Kentucky girl when I am taken more with the horses then the men. But they did tricks. And the men…well…there was one that I would of not minded showing a few tricks to… *laughter* wink. Oh come on… you knew I would have to say something about the eye candy. ;)

I do love a man with a cute ass, in tights and long hair down his back. Mmmmm… Even better, put him in the saddle of a stunning horse... using those legs to control ... oh hell... mind out of the gutter right now!! ROFL.

Nita is also one of the country girls you can not take away from her raising as well. She skipped sea shells on the ocean last night, like she does on a lake, or river back home. Had to just laugh as she did this, thinking a country girl will never stop being a country girl.

So, lifts a glass of ...uhhh…water, yeah that’s it ... ;) … for a toast. “To the country girls of Kentucky. Let us never change.”

Off for a long walk on the beach. *smiles*

Side note - Elemental gives me a look as I read this entry to her. Slut puppy? Well hell yeah! LOL.




New Love... :)

04:28 Jan 07 2007
Times Read: 1,879

Found a new love tonight, thanks to my sister Elemental.

Moon beams on the crashing waves.

By the gods- the light show was like nothing I have ever seen before.

Off to bed... and pictures in the port.





How much?

13:40 Jan 06 2007
Times Read: 1,887

Pisss… let me tell you about something.

I did not plan the vacation of our dreams. :) hahah. I did nothing to get ready for this vacation.

You know what happen? We arrived, no hotel, after dark. We came to a stop light and Nita and I decided to try two or three hotels, check prices. Comfort Inn is across the street.

So we pull in and both of us goes into the lobby, priced a double bed, for 8 nights. Man tells us the hotel is being remodeled; only the top floors are open.

Then he gave us the price. $238.00. I looked at Nita and she looked at me. Heated indoor pool, hot tub. Ocean front, very nice rooms, not in the shape you would expect as they are remodeling them. I have paid $ 80.00 a night for a hotel like this...without the ocean 30 feet away. :)

We jumped all over it...after the shock wore off. LOL

Sometimes… it pays to not plan.





13:19 Jan 06 2007
Times Read: 1,891

Watching the sun come up this morning over the beach, I started to heal.

Sitting by myself, I let my mind clear and what should pop up? Mistakes of the last few years. Mistakes I made at work, in my personal life, with family.

As I watched the sun lighten up the night sky, I brought up all the problems I have caused, I have added to. The mistakes that I made in my own life.

The sun rise lead me to forgive myself for them.

I am not perfect.

I am not sweet.

I am not bad.

I am just me.

But I do need some work. ;) LOL

Note to Connie: Nita is mean when woken up before dawn. LOL And she calls me a Wuss! Not once, but three times! ROFL.

And I will not even start with the "panties in my crack" remarks.

Ahh got to love sisters!




Ahhh.... beach.

03:40 Jan 06 2007
Times Read: 1,902

Just return from a walk on the beach.

Wind blowing, the ocean waves crashing, clouds over the moon and stars.

I stood as the waves crash over my calfs, feeling the sand shift under me.... and as I shifted.

I am me

Who ever that may be

I am me

Is all I can ask to be.

And I am happy with who I am. :)




Start of my vacation.

13:07 Jan 05 2007
Times Read: 1,914

Soooo ... first day of my vacation, and what am I doing on this rainy morning?

Sleeping in, snuggled all warm in my bed, smile on my face as I think of the beach I will be sitting on tonight?

Hell no! LOL

I am sitting at my desk, waiting for a truck to come in, as no one else is here to unload it.

Damn - when I learned how to drive a fork lift as a twelve year old child, never knew it would come back to bite me in the ass. LOL

Oh well....

*sits.... waiting.....bored*

Hell, might as well get some paperwork done.

*starts digging out inventory to check*

So this is the start of my vacation.

On a side note- How do you like the font? color?

Like it? Don't like it? Don't give a shit? LOL

Let me know what you think. I like it, but may be to dark to read. ^.^




Vacation is all I ever wanted, vacation is all I ever needed...

00:48 Jan 05 2007
Times Read: 1,934

Sitting on my bed, watching a little TV…well, not really. I am sitting here trying to figure out why I am in this mood.

Suitcase packed- full of clothing that I do not know if they will fit. I know they will fit, but some might be too big. Problem is- I do not have the energy or the desire to try them on. So … throw them in, and let be surprised when I try them on. LOL Safe to say I will not win any beauty contest while I am gone. Damn. :)

The stress of the delivery on the next commercial kitchen equipment is off my back. Had been scheduled for the Monday I returned, leaving the job of loading to my father and the guys. Today they put it off for two weeks. I should be happy about that. Strange- but I just do not care anymore.

I know Elemental is upset with me. She left me to plan this trip, but I just could not make myself do it. So I sit here, no set hotels, or even a location for our first day. I drop the ball on this, and it is so very unlike me. But thing is.... I just don't care about it.

Sorry Elemental... sorry I have put us off on the wrong foot. But I am just...

*sigh* I am tried of planning. I am tried of having control of every thing in my life. I am tried of knowing what I need to do, how I need to do it, and having to do it. I am tried of being in charge.


My mother is better. Sister is handling the death of her boss's son. Family is getting back to normal.

Vacation is now- or not this year. In our business- spring and summer is the peak season.

I am ready to go. Still have to pack the makeup…. Ok… this is my journal, so screw it. I am going to write what I want to write.

Why am I not happy?

Hmmmm… *takes a deep breath*

I need to make some changes in my life.

I need to spend some alone time, on the beach to center myself.

I need to see beauty.

I need to connect with myself again.

I need to heal a few hurts of the last few months.

I need to understand that it was not my fault.

I need to believe in myself.

I need to accept my mistakes.

I need to say goodbye to my doults.

I need to take stock of my life, to decide what it will take to make me happy.

I need to stop putting off what I want to do in my life.

I need to end some relationships that harm me.

I need to build on those that I cherish.

I need to end one, and not look back.

I need to set limits.

I need to give a little control up on some things.

I need to take control of a few things.

I need to get my ass in gear, and stop whining.

I need to end this and go pack my makeup, and pick out some music to take.

See you all in ten days. Swear I will be in a better mood after this time off. I just need some time to NOT be in charge, to just be ....me.


"Vacation is all I ever wanted, Vacation is all I ever needed."





Funny that...

14:14 Jan 04 2007
Times Read: 1,952

Know what the draw back of being an independent woman? When you slip a little, show that you need some one to lean on... it was a stranger who notices it.

Funny that.

Thank you LordLestat.




Times like this...

06:19 Jan 03 2007
Times Read: 1,965

It's times like this in my life…


when I just wish someone…

*wipes tears away*

Never mind…

*lowers head*




Today in my life.

19:36 Jan 02 2007
Times Read: 1,990

Work was early this day, so I did not see any of my family.

Return to the office to find out my Uncle Bob has pasted away today, just a few hours ago. Lou Gehrig's disease.

My sisters boss of 14 years, who is a lovely wonderful man. His son is found dead in his home New Years morning, St. Louis MO. Called a "Suspicious" death.


After being hit with these two things, Connie calls to warn me about the new rating/ house cleaning Cancer has done.

(Not picking on you sis, I really am not.)

Gods, but sirehood is the least of my problems right now.

Now is time to help my Mother and my sister.




Note to self.

14:59 Jan 01 2007
Times Read: 2,024

*slaps my own hand*

Stop that!!

Note to self:

Stop going into the 4 word game in the sandbox and putting stupid words.

Stay away from posting in the forum, smart ass.

Main forum bad.

Stay away from the forum.

Look, no touch.

No interaction.

*sigh* I feel better now.





Rating the new members

14:22 Jan 01 2007
Times Read: 2,029

Doing the new members this morning:

Quote: you wish you were me lol

The rest of the profile is this: bla bla bla

No- I really do not wish to be you. :)

Another one:

Quote: lifes a bitch...and then you fuck one

Bad thing is- this is on a woman's profile.

Funny, but I always hated being called a bitch.

Guess I am showing my age.



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