Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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6 entries this month

03:24 Dec 21 2014
Times Read: 683

Long long day....

But got....

Peanut butter cups done, chocolate in the center.

5 layer bars.

Peanut butter fudge

Chocolate fudge

No baked chocolate cookies

All in 4 hours.

Yeap, back and feet are killing me. Kitchen is a mess. But off to bed I go to get up early and try to get more done before I meet the gals for our Christmas lunch.

Left is--

Monster cookies

Sugar cookies

Peanut Butter balls, coated in chocolate.

Time for a good 10 hours of sleep- if my mind would shut off.



19:13 Dec 21 2014

I'll shut yours off if you shit mine off ;)


20:57 Dec 20 2014
Times Read: 688

Cat is watching UK play. Screaming, clapping, cheering. hahaha... I fuss but it is nice to see her enjoy the little things in life.




15:11 Dec 19 2014
Times Read: 718

I love this woman's talent. And her videos are freaking amazing.



20:46 Dec 19 2014

Nice catch...very good video!


14:43 Dec 19 2014
Times Read: 725

Been thinking about the movie that was pulled by Sony. While it was never going to be seen by me- not my taste in flicks at all... it kind of pissed me that Sony pulled it.

I mean on one side you can see the reason, what if they released it and bombing or shootings happen? Remember the clown red haired dude at the Batman movies? I can be done.

But the threats came online, the hackers- would they of had the ability to get gunman, or bombs into the places showing it?

I think Sony should of released it, with the term of "As the owner of the movie theaters- you have the right to pulling the movie."

I agree with the comments that the hackers took a bite out of our freedom with Sony pulling the film. They gave into cyber terror attack, which was the first of it's kind.

Playing is safe- yes.

But to just pull it, giving into the hackers demands- no.

It will effect how movies, what kind of movies are made from here on out. I mean- did folks stop getting in planes after 9/11? Stop going into tall buildings? No. And that was after the attacks- a threat by cyber bullies not even on our soil? Just not something you give into, damn it.

Even not liking that type of film I have to say I would of went to seen it, just so it would of shown a good box office sale.



15:01 Dec 19 2014

Sony did not pull it, the theaters did- with Sony's blessing- because Sony didn't want to hold them to it with a threat over their head. So, they did exactly what you think they should have done. Many articles are reading otherwise, but they mentioned it on The View and other morning shows how it really went down.

"In the wake of the threat, Sony yesterday gave theater owners the option to back away from the film, which is set to open Christmas Day."


15:23 Dec 19 2014

Thanks for the info Images. :) Shame then that the movie theaters didn't show it tho. But you have to say the threat, lawauites would of ruined them if something did happen.

Be intresting to see if/ when this happens again, as you know it will.


16:54 Dec 16 2014
Times Read: 731

I have not had a full size Christmas tree in years. I use to have this small thin crap like 'pine' tree that was 6 foot tall, with a bark like trunk that made up 4 foot of that 6. Of course I use to leave it up all the time, change the decorations for the season.

I removed it out of my home two years ago.

So of late, when a friend put her tree up before Thanksgiving- the desire for a tree really hit.

In my mind's eye I was thinking- color lights. A tree decorated in color lights, silver tinsel that had to be laid on strand by strand * yeah, right* and glass balls of all colors. Angel on top.


So I really got serious about looking for a tree. I wanted a full gaint 9 foot tree, so said my inner child. My adult side picked out a 'narrow' 6.5 ft. tree. Child in me had a little fit, but then the cutting of the roof to get a 9 foot tree really was a deal breaker. And the narrow tree - small space, it was shaped like a tree, not a slim one but... still not the big bushy one. Can you tell the child in me is still a little peaved she didn't get the full size tree? lol

So I shop, thinking it would be best to wait. So I waited for the sales. Then started looking around and found some god ugly trees. I mean... I went from wanting a white tree *adult- NO* I wanted a flocked tree *adult- Hell NO, you will have that crap everywhere, and it turns brown after a few years* to the cheap trees of only $80.00 at big lots *adult- you can see right thru it- NO. Save, wait till you fine the one you can live with for years.*

I did.

Then the same friend who's tree got me wanting my own told me about a website that sold to banks, Dr., etc. I went and looked- they was half off. :) Free shipping.

So I started looking. I loved LOVED a 7.5 foot pine with color lights. It was that perfect tree you wish to find out in the woods, snow on the ground, color lights blinking...

*adult- No. The lights will mess up then you have to buy more to add- just NO. Unlite tree is the way to go.*

Yes- my adult side is a pain in the ass. Just saying.

So I placed a order for the 6.5 ft narrow unlite tree- the cheapest one they had. Still some coin, but once you take into account it will be used most likely till I can't put a tree up anymore- I knew I wanted a nice one.

I refused to pay the $30.00 express shipping- took the 7 to 10 days free shipping, seeing this tree as my 2015 tree. I was cool with that, I would just enjoy the tree at my friend's home. That friend is Cat's *Nightgame* sister- she really is has a talent on decoration, which I called upon later in the week.

You see- while I was buying up lights at half off, thinking next year I would put that tree up right after Thanksgiving.... well, it showed up. Two days later it was at my Mother's porch. o.O

So- mind you, it is close to Christmas, less then two weeks. That means the tree would be only up a short time. Was it worth it? *adult- you have company coming, way too much to do, you have no decorations, you can wait* My child side gave my adult side the finger as I ripe into that box. I stayed up late on the night it showed and had all the lights on the tree, the branches shaped, and in the spot by my front door. :D

The adult side of me hated getting up and ready for work with only 5 hours of sleep but still... I had a tree.

Thing is- well.... I have been watching YouTube videos, reading some on decorating. The whole "Wrap each branch with lights, taking it from the trunk of the tree out, then back. Repeat with each branch.." Yeah- that lasted about 20 minutes in. Now- if you take a hand full of light- push it into the trunk/ inner part of the tree, then move one to the next branch, well... it goes a lot faster. LOL

So picture it- a 6.5 narrow fig tree. It was a beauty. And worth the price.

The same videos/ info online lead me to the information, the guide lines if you will, of how many lights needed. 100 per foot. So- 600. Well.... and yes, my child side took over. We wanted LIGHTS! We wanted the magic of the tree from my childhood, the one you laid in front of with all the lights off, chin in your hand as you looked up at it in wonder! Screw the guildlines- let's load this puppy UP!

That tree was lite with 900 color lights, 600 white lights, and 300 twinkle white lights. That is right- 600 turned into 1,800 lights.


But then.... I turned it on. HELLO and HOLLY CRAP I could land a plane at any second with this beacon. I mean- shades was needed. So I rub my tried eyes, knowing I was too sleepy to worry anymore and went to bed. Making sure I unplug the Lighthouse in my home... I mean Christmas tree. Ok ok- maybe the child side of me went overboard, deal with it.

The next day I came home off the job and was thinking. My friend had talked about doing this and that, but she was lost with the use of color lights. While I was thinking next year I will just do white lights... maybe *Child stomps foot- NO* I had the tree up and be damn if I was going to go back and remove all those lights. It was what it was, for this year.

I planed to buy decorations/ balls for the tree when Christmas is over, lot cheaper then now.

So- now what?

Do you know if you look online for info on how to decorate with color lights you get nothing. Or even search a image? Seems my childhood tree of old is passed over for the classic white lights now.

*child pouts*

But I am an adult, I can work out the issue.

I did read on one blog I found "If you were to decroate with color lights for your kids, don't over load the tree with decorations as they will clash."

Ok- so no balls this year. But it needed... something. So I went to the dollar store where my friend gets most of her wreath making things. I got a 6 inch ribbon that was gold, silver, red, green. I also got a sheer ribbon of a apple green.

My child side fussed a little but the adult in me when to work. I made a bow *my first- it sucks* for the topper out of the stripe ribbon, then layered the other ribbon behind it, started weaving it in and out of the tree like the youtube videos told ya. I then took what was left, cut them in foot long lenghts and, while the youtube said to twist, floral wire, tie them on the tree.... I just pushed them into the branches, and it looked like they were bows,, part of the ribbon that flowed around the tree.


I plug the tree up and the beacon of light wasn't as bright. YEAH! So I finished my housework, laundry, mopping and went to bed just before 3:00am. The next morning I was up early- as I had company coming, and went to another dollar store and got a few of the glitter like stick things. The twisty little things, gold leafs, green glittery vines. Yep, if I was going to go sparkly- by goodness I was going to do it full out!


And I have to say- the tree is really nice. What did I learn? My inner child was right with the color lights, all of them. It is bright, but that is how I remember my childhood tree being. Besides- who needs heat running in the house when you can sit beside the tree to warm up. ;)

My adult side was right on the ribbon. It gave it a flow, decorations without clashing. I don't think I will even buy balls for this tree- I like the ribbon look so much. It doesn't fight with the lights, but just adds to them. It really doen't need anything more.

The sparkly things? I am OK with- both the adult and child is cool at losing them next year. Just not needed.

All in all- I learned you can have a multi color lights on a tree. And it is great to have it. Both side of me *child- told you so! :p* *Adult- well... it is nice, once the ribbon was done* can live with it and look forward to it for the next year. Thinking white lights, with maybe 300 color lights to add color for next year.... or not.

The child in me is really enjoying the color.

Going to post a photo, just have to remember to get take the tripod home to get a good shot.

While it costed me sleep- so happy I was able to get the tree up this year. :)



20:05 Dec 19 2014

It turned out absolutely beautiful, I had trouble keeping my eyes away from it while there as it reminds me of my own childhood Christmas trees. Keep that child happy, she's smarter than you give her credit for sugar. :)

17:04 Dec 20 2014

It was a lovely tree. :)


18:30 Dec 07 2014
Times Read: 750

Change of pace- Sisters are cooking Sunday dinner. :) I did do a super easy apple dumpling dessert for all of us tho. It is Sunday after all.

The one day of the week my Mom usually cooked- since she worked full time 6 days a week, did housework, laundry for 6, and all the shopping.

Sunday was sleeping in, a nice meal, and rest.

Older I get the more I agree with Sunday being a lazy day.

And it is the only day I get to stay home, in PJ's, and just catch up on things.

One day I will have a whole Sunday free- everything caught up.

Yeah.... right.



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